Lecture 31 - Vaccination I Flashcards
Compare the terms vaccination and immunisation
- Vaccination: deliberate induction of immunity by administration of vaccine
- Immunisation: process by which an individual is made immune to a disease
- Vaccination leads to immunisation
Compare the terms antigen and immunogen
- **Immunogen: **a molecule that induces an immune response
- **Antigen: **a molecule that is the target of an immune response
- Not all antigens are immunogens
Who performed the first vaccination?
- Edward Jenner
- End of 1700’s
- Smallpox vaccination
- Observed that milkmaids did not die from smallpox
- Milkmaids exposed to cowpox (vaccinia) and developed immunity to it
- Hypothesised that immunity to cowpox prevented severe disease to smallpox (variola)
- Vaccinated James Phelps with vaccinia
- Boy protected from ‘repeated deliberate’ attempts to infect with Variola
- Observed that milkmaids did not die from smallpox
Who characterised the mechanism of vaccination?
- Louis Pasteur, 1880’s
- Developed vaccines for:
- Rabies
- Anthrax
- By deliberately attenuating the organisms
- As opposed to Jenner, who had to find a less virulent form of the pathogen
- Vaccination with the attenuated form protected against the more virulent, wild type form
What is the vaccine schedule?
- Schedule of the various vaccines that should be given to individuals at various ages
- Birth to 4 years: intensive schedule
- HepB
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Poliomyelitis
- Rotavirus
- Pneumococcus
- H. influenzae
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella
- Varicella zoster
- etc.
- At risk groups:
- Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island populations
- Live in areas with endemic Pneumococcus
- Pregnant women
- Influenza
- Elderly:
- Influenza
- Pneumococcus
- Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island populations
How do vaccines decrease disease in a population?
- Induce immunological memory: long lived immunity against a pathogen
- At the level of the individual
- eg. Diphtheria vaccine
- Provide herd immunity
- At the level of the population
Describe immunological responses to vaccination
B cell responses
- Vaccination:
- Stimulates IgM and IgG (specific for antigen) production
- Low affinity initially, then higher affinity IgG
- Titre remains high over time
- Upon reinfection / boost:
- IgG levels rapidly increase to provide protection
T cell responses
- Vaccination:
- Stimulates generation of a T cell response
- Proliferation of the cells in the system
- Differentiation into various T cell subtypes
- Formation of a pool of memory cells
- Upon reinfection / boost:
- Memory cells rapidly are reactived
- Increased magnitude of response (compared to primary response)
Describe herd immunity
Limitation of the ability of the pathogen to spread within a population
Only applies to diseases which are spread human-human
- Pathogens with a zoonotic origin can persist even after everyone is vaccinated
- Within a unvaccinated population:
- When one individual becomes infected with a pathogen, it will likely be transmitted to a number of other individuals
- Probability of coming across another unvaccinated individual is high
- The pathogen spreads
- Within a vaccinated population:
- When one individual becomes infected, it cannot be transmitted, as the others are vaccinated
- The spread of the pathogen is limited
- Chance of coming across another unvaccinated individual is low
List factors that influence herd immunity
- Environmental factors
- Crowding
- Infectivity of disease
- Severity & symptoms
- If the symptoms are severe, the person is more likely to isolate themselves
- Sub-symptomatic disease: individual may still go to work etc. and spread the disease
- Severity & symptoms
- Rate of spread
- ie areas of high/low vaccine uptake
Describe Ring Vaccination
Use of herd immunity to contain an outbreak
- Performed when it is not possible to vaccinate everyone
- Scenario:
- A particular community is infected
- Quarantine of infected individuals from non-infected
- Surrounding communities are vaccinated
- Prevents the spread of the pathogen to the surrounding communities
What is Ebola?
Describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak
- Emerging, highly virulent virus
- 50% mortality rate
- Causes **viral **haemorrhagic fever
- Internal and external bleeding
- Ultimately leads to multiple organ failure
- 2014 outbreak:
- Outbreak in West Africa
- Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia
- Largest outbreak to date
- Currently 4,000 deaths
- Predicted 20,000 deaths by the end of the year
- Factors causing spread:
- No vaccine
- Still needs to be trialled for safety & efficacy, will take some time
- No accessible/viable treatments
- mAb therapy: expensive & difficult to manufacture
- Long incubation period → high transmissability
- 21 days from infection for the disease to manifest
- Mistrust
- Cultural practices
- Hygeine standards in these countries
- No vaccine
- This is a situation where ring vaccination would be beneficial
- Outbreak in West Africa
Why are we seeing re-emergence of infectious diseases for which we have effective vaccines?
- Parents are not allowing their children to be vaccinated
- Because we don’t see infectious diseases in the first world, people think that there is no risk
- Through fear of autism from vaccination
- Herd immunity works when up to 95% of the population is covered
- Measles, Whooping cough
What is an ‘ideal vaccine’?
Induces the same quality of immunity as would an infection with the natural pathogen
What are adjuvants?
List a few
How do they work?
- Substance that hepls increase immunogenicity of a co-administered vaccine
- Some vaccines have low immunogenicity → adjuvant is required
- Others do not require them
- Examples
- Freunds complete adjuvant
- Very strong
- Toxic
Aluminium-based adjuvants
- Safe
- Adjuvant of choice for many clinically used vaccines
- Limited by ability to induce particular types of immune responses:
- Good neutralising Ab
- Poor cell-mediated responses
- Montanide water-in-oil formulations
- Good immunogenicity
- Freunds complete adjuvant
- Stimulate pro-inflammatory responses
- Provide a depot of Ag
- Slow release of Ag
- Drawbacks
- Make simple concoctions more complex
List some types of vaccine
Give examples of each
- Live attenuated
- Vaccinia
- Sabin poliovirus vaccine
- Inactivated
- Salk
- Various influenza subtypes
- Subunit
- HepB surface Ag (HBsAg)
H. influenzae type b
- Polysaccharide-protein conjugate
- Bordetella pertussis Ags
- Diphtheria toxoid
- Tetanus toxoid
Describe live attenuated vaccines
- Weakened pathogen
- Some level of replication & pathogencitiy → stimulate immunity without causing disease
- Advantages
- Do not require adjuvants or boosters
- Disadvantages
- Risk for immunocompromised individuals
- Mutations are not well characterised
- Reversion to WT pathogen
- Due to too few mutations
- Attenutation results in mutations that limit replication and pathogenicity
Describe inactivated vaccines
- All antigens present
- Virus cannot replicate or infect
- Advantages
- Safer
- Disadvantages
- Requires boosters & adjuvants
- Risk if the inactivation vaccine is not complete
Describe subunit vaccines
- Only antigen is used
- Virulent components aren’t present
- Advantages
- Safer
- Better characterised
- Disadvantages
- Not usually immunogenic → requires adjuvant (Alum)
- Requires multiple boosters
Against which sorts of pathogens are vaccines most effective?
- Short incubation period
- No animal reservoir
- Human-human transmission
- Identifiable clinical symptoms
- Little or no variation in pathogen
- ie not influenza
Describe the disease and eradication of Smallpox (Variola)
Why was this campaign so effective?
- Smallpox disease
- Appearance of painful pustules all over the body, respiratory tract, stomach
- Been around for thousands of years
- Caused 300-500 deaths
- 1 in 4 mortality rate
- Eradication programme
- Launched in 1967 by WHO
- Ring vaccination
- Eradicated in 1979
- No outbreaks since
- Effectiveness of vaccine
- No mutation in Ags of Variola
- Vaccine remains effective
- Ab titres remain high for many years
- T cell response is very long lasting
- 15-30 years
- N° of vaccinations does not affect the effectiveness of the response
- No need for boosters
- No mutation in Ags of Variola
Describe the disease and eradication of Poliovirus
- Poliovirus:
- Causes poliomyelitis
- Can destroy neurons in the CNS
- Individuals stop breathing
- Salk vaccine
- 1955
- Formalin inactivated poliovirus
- Injected
- Risk of inadequate inactivation
- Sabin vaccine
- 1961
- Second generation vaccine
- Attenuated virus strain
- Oral administration
- 3 viral serotypes
- Reversion to WT
- 1 in 3 million vaccinations
- 2005: in many countries, switch to IPV from OPV
- Eradication
- Both of these vaccines work very well to reduce spread of Polio
- 1988: high incidence of polio throughout much of the world
- 2009: Isolated to central Africa and India
- 2013: Isolated to some African countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan
- Eradication is imminent
Describe disease and eradication of RSV
- LRTI in children
- Great need for vaccine
- Vaccine
- Increased susceptibility to RSV infection
- Worse disease than non-vaccinated children
- Several children died from vaccination
- Why?
- Immune hypersensitivity response induced
- Innapropriate TH2 response (instead of TH1)
- Immune hypersensitivity response induced
For which pathogens do we not have effective vaccines?
- M. tuberculosis
What is the benefit of oral administration of the Sabin polio vaccine?
Same route of transmission of WT pathogen
→ more appropriate immunity
Compare advantages and disadvantages of the Salk and Sabin vaccines
- Advantages
- Salk
- No cold chain required
- Can’t revert to virulence
- Sabin
- Oral administration
- Replicates: no boosters required
- Salk
- Disadvantages
- Salk
- Injection
- Large quantities of virus are required
- Boosters required
- Risk of inadequate inactivation
- Sabin
- Cold chain required
- Can revert to virulence in 1 in 3 million vaccinations
- Salk
Describe poliovirus vaccinatino in Australia
- In countries where poliovirus infection is now very low, the risk of the Sabin vaccine (revert to WT in 1 in 3 million doses) is not acceptable
- In 2005, the Sabin (OPV) was replaced with a modified inactivated vaccine (IPV)