Lecture 31; Pain transduction 2 Flashcards
What are the types of pain sensitization
What is hyperalgesia
◦Increased sensitivity
◦Peripheral sensitization
◦Central sensitization
What is allodynia?
◦Innocuous stimulus becomes painful i.e post injury, touch pathway becomes pain
◦Mainly central mechanism suggested
What cause peripheral sensitiztion;
Inflammation induced chemical change i.e upregulation of pain receptors or enhanced sensitivity
Inflammatory soup ◦Released by activated norciceptors ◦Non-neuronal cells; Reside with injured area (damged cells) Infiltrate into injured area (inflam cells)
i.e huge interactions of inflammatory molecules ultimately enhance pain
What inflam markes are of note in peripheral sensitization
NGF and Histamine
Whats in the inflammatory soup?
Neurotransmitters and peptides ◦Substance P ◦5-HT ◦Calcitoningene related peptide (CGRP) ◦ATP
Eicosinoidsand related lipids ◦Prostoglandins ◦Thromboxanes ◦Leukotrienes ◦Endocannabinoids
What else could be in inflam soup?
Neurotrophins Cytokines Chemokines Extracellular proteases Extracellular protons
How does NGF function?
Acts on peptidergic C-fibers Via NGF receptor tyrosine kinase(TrkA)
Potentiates TRPV1 activity via 2nd messengers
◦Increases sensitivity to heat
Up regulate
◦Substance P
◦Voltage gated Na+
Why is TRPV1 upregulated?
Thermal hyperalgesia
Direct activation ◦Protons and Lipids Indirect activation ◦Bradykinin, ATP and NGF ◦2ndmessenger pathway
Injury-evoked pain hypersensitivity
Sun Burn
How is TRPA1 activated?
Injury-evoked hypersensitivity
Mechanical Modulated by
Second messenger pathways
◦PhospholipaseC (PLC)
What happens when ascis are upregulated?
pH sensitive channels
◦Metabolic acidosis
◦Prevalent in skeletal cardiac muscle
Modulated by
What is the message of the previous points?
All the inflammatory markers released in injury are used to upregulate or hypersensitise transduction elements i.e ion channels on the receptor
What is the consequence of anti-inflammatories?
Although used in pain management it prolongs the healing process as inflammatory markers are used to do this.
What happens to neurotransmission during hyperalgesia?
NMDA receptor block is removed Increased Ca2+ entry Similar to hippocampalLTP Concurrent activation of receptors ◦Metabotropicglutamate and Substance P ◦Further increase in Ca2+ ◦Increased 2ndmessenger signaling (Kinases)
What is release in descending regulation?
What happens when the periductal grey aquaduct is electrically stimulated?
Evokes hypoalgesia
◦Raphe (stimulation of this does the same)
What receptor does allodyna act on?
Disinhibition of GABA