Lecture 26: Auditory Evoked Potential Flashcards
What is an evoked potential?
An evoked potential is a event related potential that is synchronised with an external (sensory) event.
What are auditory evoked potentials?
Electrical potentials (voltage) recorded from the ear or scalp in response to acoustic or electrical stimulation of the auditory system
What are AEP useful for?
Useful tools to probe auditory brain function and assess pathologies underlying hearing loss.
What are the parts of AEP?
Electrocochleography (ECochG)
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
Middle Latency Response (MLR)
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP)
I.e the neural response going through the circuits
What are the components of ECochG?
- Compound action potential (CAP)
- Cochlear microphonic (CM)
- Summating Potential (SP)
What is the subtype of ABR?
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential
What is the subtype of CAEP?
Late Latency Response (LLR)
AEP are either;
- Compound Action Potentials generated by nerve tracts
- Compound postsynpatic potentials generated by cell dendrites
What is needed to measure AEP?
- Syncronous firing in large number of neurons
- Alignment of neurons (auditory cortex is aligned, other cortices are not)
What are the characteristics of AEPs?
- Weak (peak usually less than 1microvolt)
- Readily masked by other electrical noise
- Spatially imprecise (as lots of other electrical activity)
- Temporally precise
Can the location of the AEP be determined?
Yes, using statistical and temporal analysis the location of events can be predicted
Summerise AEP based on the previous questions;
Rely on arrays of neurons, aligned and firing synchonously
Only roughly associated with structures nad nerve fibre tracts
Have a reliable temporal and amplitude (db related) relationship to stimulus
Whats the problem with measuring AEP?
You have a low signal to noise ratio (i.e theres a lot of background noise)
What are the solutions to target the low signal to noise ratio?
- Reduced electrode impedance; Reduce resistance (<5kohms)
- Differential amplification; signal used is the difference between positive and negative electrodes. (one electrode gets noise, other gets noise and AEP, so if subtracted should be left with AEP)
- Filtering; Band pass is 100-3000Hz
- Amplification; 100-500,000times
- Averaging; removes unreliable information
- Repetitions; eyeball comparison of reliability
How is ECochG done?
insert probe though TM near round window.
Measures three parts (occurs in order)
- CM
- SP