Lecture 3 - SCE Flashcards
The combination between Symbolic reasoning and machine learning
Situated Cognition
Cognition is embodied. Knowing exists, in situ, inseparable from the context
What is SCE?
Situated cognitive engineering
Design Rationale of SCE
- Explicit documentation of the design decision with the reasons behind these decisions
- Provides an argumentation-based structure to key design problems as a mean to record and communicate the argumentation and reasoning behind the process
Methodology (5)
- A COllaborative process of a multi-disciplinary team - Active involvement of stakeholders - Iterative and incremental - Focused Refinement - Coherent specification
Hybrid Intelligence
Involves integrating technology into situated care by evolving human agent partnerships: - Common situated objectives - Value-sensitive agreements - Shared knowledgebase and experiences - Mutual uptake and learning by explanation and feedback
Direct Stakeholders
Refers to individuals who interact directly with technology
Indirect Stakeholders
Refers to individuals who are otherwise affected by the use of the technology
Values for stakeholders
Principles of standards of a person or society. What is valuable and important in life.
User Story Example?
As a “role” I want “something” so that “reason”
Value Story
As a “stakeholder” I want “function” to support “value”
Collaborative Learning
Knowledge can be created when persons actively interact with knowledge exchange, sharing experiences and taking asymmetric roles. Reciprocal teaching supports “Learning by teaching” and “Cognitive apprenticeship”
Zones of proximal development
Information children need to advance in their individual learning.
Common Situated Objectives
- Achievement: What you want to achieve - Goal: Learn what you have to do get there - Task: What you need to do to achieve the goal TASK -> Goals -> Achievements
Formal representation of inter-related domain and human factors concepts which can be shared by humans and agents for collaboration
Episodic Memory
Ask after an episode of the process to know how was it and learn from it
Formal specification of permissions, prohibitions, and obligations for agents behavior - Contains agents behavior to norms - Construct and govern agreements
Uptake and learn by explanation
Goal-based explanation
Emotion-based explanation
Informative Direct feedback characteristics
- Corrective
- Descriptive
- Evaluative
- Confirmatory
Motivational direct feedback
- Encouragement
- Remark
- Mood matching
- Praise
Developed by SCE
- Iterative incremental process
- Theory and empirical driven
- Combined operation, human factors and technology perspective
- Stakeholders involvement in design and test activities
- Producing reusable design specification and implementations