Lecture 3 - Pelvic Cavity II Flashcards
What are the external and internal structures of the male reproductive system?
L3 S10 LO1
External structures:
- penis
- scrotum
- testes
- epididymis
Internal structures:
- spermatic cord
- prostate gland
- semifinal vesicle
- bulbouretrhal glands
- ejaculatory ducts
What are the different glands of the male reproductive system?
Describe their location and function.
L3 S23-24 LO1
Prostate gland:
- surrounds urethra as it leaves urinary bladder
- produces prostatic fluid
Seminal vesicles:
- located between urinary bladder and rectum
- secretes alkaline fluid
Bulbourethral gland:
- located posterolateral to membranous urethra
- secrete mucous-like secretion during sexual arousal
What is the path that sperm takes beginning at the testes?
L3 S17,22,&25 LO1
- testes (produced)
- rete testes
- efferent ductules
- epididymis (storage and maturation)
- ductus deferens
- ejaculatory duct (begins at union of ductus deferens and seminal vesicle)
- urethra (at the termination of the ejaculatory duct near the prostatic utricle)
What are the external and internal structures of the female reproductive system?
L3 S27 LO2
External structures:
- pudendal cleft
- mons pubis
- labia majora
- labia minora
- clitoris
Internal structures:
- vagina
- uterus
- oviduct
- ovaries
What are the different glands of the female reproductive system?
Describe their location and function.
L3 S33 LO2
Greater vestibular gland:
- located posterior to bulbs of vestibule
- secrete mucous
Lesser vestibular gland:
- located on either side of the vaginal vestibule
- secrete mucous
What are the different parts of the uterus?
L3 S40 LO2
- fundus
- body
- isthmus
- cervix
What are the different layers of the uterine wall?
L3 S40 LO2
-outer, serous layer
-middle, muscular layer
- inner, glandular layer
- most pronounced changes during menstrual cycle
What are the different ligaments associated with the uterus?
L3 S43-45 LO2
Broad ligaments:
- supports uterus during pregnancy
- attaches uterus to lateral walls and floor of pelvis
Rounds ligament:
-attaches lateral uterus to labia majora
Transverse cervical ligament:
-attaches cervix to lateral pelvic wall and lateral fornix
Uterosacral ligament:
-attaches cervix to middle sacrum
Suspensory ligament of ovary:
-extends from lateral pelvic wall to ovary
What is the path that egg follicles takes beginning at the ovary?
L3 S51;53 LO2
Uterine tube:
- infundibulum (funnel shaped near ovary that opens into peritoneal cavity; has fimbriae that sweep egg into tube)
- ampulla (main portion)
- isthmus
- intramural