Lecture 3 - Nonverbal Communication Flashcards
Nonverbal Communicaton
the intentional or unintentional transmission of meaning through nonspoken physical and behavioral cues
What are the 8 different means used for transmitting information nonverbally
- Kinesics
- Haptics
- Vocalics
- Proxemics
- Physical appearance
- Chronemics
- The environment
- Artifacts
body movement
vocal cues
personal space
Physical Appearance
how you look
The environment
physical environment
visible body movements that communicate meaning, including facial expression and gestures.
What does posture convey?
Immediacy (whether this person is attracted to the conversation) & power
Using touch to communicate nonverbally
- Functional-professional touch
- Social-polite touch
- Friendship-warmth touch
- Love-intimacy touch
- Sexual-arousal touch
- Aggressive-hostile touch
Functional-professional touch (haptics)
accomplishing the task without touching the other person
social-polite touch (haptics)
the first time you meet the person so you give them a handshake because you have social norms (you want to show you’re a polite person)
vocal characteristics we use to communicate verbal messages. It’s not the message you convey but it’s the way you speak.
- loudness
- speech rate
- tone
- accent
communication through the use of physical distance
- intimate space
- personal space
- social space
- public space
the things we possess that express our identity to others
ex: photo with girl and stethoscope shows that the girl might be a pre-med major
or a person with a ring shows they are taken
What are the principles of nonverbal communication?
- Nonverbal communication uses multiple channels
- Nonverbal communication has fewer rules and is more ambiguous
- We often deduce more meanings from nonverbal communication that from their verbal
- Nonverbal communication is influenced by culture
Nonverbal communication uses multiple channels (principle 1)
- auditory (voice)
- visual (body language, eye contact, facial expressions)
- tactile (touch)
- personal space
What are the three types of nonverbal cues
- Intrinsic cues
- Iconic cues
- Arbitrary cues
intrinsic cues
We have low control of our feelings (feeling loved or nervous)
iconic cues
your body reactions but you can control it (excitement from another game point)
arbitrary cues
we create this gesture to covey a meaning
Nonverbal communication has fewer rules and is more ambiguous (principle 2)
nonverbal communication have a lot of meaning so it can be more ambiguous
ex: hand under chin - thinking, curious, or bored
We often deduce more meanings from nonverbal communication that from their verbal (principle 3)
Mixed messages: verbal and nonverbal behaviors convey contradictory meanings
Nonverbal communication is influenced by culture (principle 4)
- There is no “international language” of gestures.
- it is almost never possible for us to understand intuitively the gestures form another culture