Lecture 3 - Discontinuous variation 2, Quantative variation 1 Flashcards
Can the Hardy Weinberg model still be used in cases where we do not know all the genotypes?
- heterozygotes and homozygotes cannot be distinguished with the dominant phenotype
- but can be useful to estimate allele frequences
- have to assume hardy-weinberg eqilibrium
- not possible to compared observed and expected
How do you estimate allele frequencies with HW when all genotypes are not known?
Assume Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, Genotype frequencies are p2:2pq:q2
How can Hardy Weinberg be useful when genotypes are not known?
-for estimating the liklihood of recessive disorders arising
Why might the Hardy weinberg estimate be wrong when calculated not knowing the genotypes?
Other processes acting - doesn’t conform to assumptions
-e.g. selection, non random mating
What is the cloak of heterozygosity?
High frequencies of recessive carriers in a population
Given the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, how are genotype and allele frequencies linked? Are there limits for the values of genotype frequenies?
- Rare alleles mostly found in heterozygotes
- the maximum genotype frequency for heterozygots is 0.5
What are the three types of quantitative trait?
Continuous traits (e.g. height, weight, milk yield...) Categorical traits (e.g. Number of petals) Dichotomous/threshold traits - present or absent (Underlying risk, muliple genetic and evironmental factors, schizophrenia, most common form of diabetes)
What other words are used for Quantitative traits?
- complex traits
- multifactoral traits
Why is it difficult to study the genetic effects of Quantitative traits?
- usually controlled by several loci, each with small effects -often continuous phenotypes
- the environment often has a substantial influence
- the substitution of one allele for another is often undetectable
- different genotypes can produce the same phenotype
How are mendelian traits a special form of quantitative trait?
- Mendelian traits are only influenced by a single genetic locus
- whereas quantitative traits often have several Mendelian loci, and different phenotypes can produce the same phenotype
What questions arise from quantitative genetics?
- how much of the phenotypic variation is explained by the genotype and how much by the environment?
- can we predict offspring by parental phenotypes?
- how is the response to selection affected by the heritability of the trait?
What are the zygote frequencies for disease alleles on X linked genes?
p2 = XAXA
2pq = XAXa
q2 = XaXa
p = XAY
q = XaY
What is the ratio of affected males/affected females for x linked recessive traits?
q/q2 = 1/q
Why are x-linked recessive disorders almost exclusively expressed in males?
The ratio of affected males/affected females
q/q2 = 1/q
How is Hardy Weinberg useful in forensic DNA profiling?
-to predict how many people are likely to have a particular multilocus genotype (e.g. identify murderer)
-probability of multiple loci can be combined
However: DNA can be present without a person ever having been at the scene (“phantom of Heilbronn”)
What was the “phantom of Heilbronn”?
- a woman who’s DNA profile was found at muliple crime scenes
- the crimes ranged from murder to stealing a few bottles of coke
- commited over 16 years
- apart from the DNA profile, no other evidence that this person existed
- actually factory contaminated material
Does the Hardy Weinberg principle still apply when a genetic locus has more than two alleles?
Yes, but more complex
What are the allele frequencies for HW when a genetic locus has more than two alleles?
p, q, r
How do you calculate HW for the next generation if a gene is on a sex chromosome?
- assume the allele frequency for the sex linked gene is the same for males and females
- calulate female offspring and male offspring
- generally applies to haplo-diploid systems
- possible to apply when males and females have different allele frequencies
What are the features of the Female and Male offspring when calculating HW if a gene is on a sex chromosome?
- Female offspring: genotypes follow first mendelian law and Hardy Weinberg expectations
- Male offspring: genotype frequncies are equal to allele frequencies in females in the previous generation