Lecture 3 - Classical Conditioning Training Procedures Flashcards
What are the 5 common classical conditioning procedures?
What represents a single conditioning trial?
Each configuration of CS and US
What is the intertrial interval?
The time from one conditioning trial to the start of the next trial
What is the interstimulus interval?
The time from the start of the CS to the start of the US within a conditioning trial
Also called CS-US interval
What manipulations of interstimulus and intertrial interval help conditioned responding to develop?
It is advisable to make the interstimulus interval much shorter than the intertrial interval
In many experiments, the interstimulus interval is a few seconds, whereas the intertrial interval may be 2–3 minutes or more.
What method is used for measuring conditioned responses?
A test trial
Presenting the CS by itself without the US
How can the CR be quantified?
What are some control procedures for classical conditioning (to control for pseudo-conditioning)?
Random control procedure
Explicitly unpaired control
What is the effectiveness of the common conditioning procedures?
Short-delay - strongest
Trace - weaker CR when ISI is longer
Long-delay - weaker CR at beginning of CS, stronger at end
Backward - either excitatory or inhibitory
What is the prerequisite for inhibitory conditioning?
There must be excitatory content for the US
What are the procedures for inhibitory conditioning?
Inhibitory Pavlovian conditioning
Differential inhibition / Negative CS-US contingency
Explicitly unpaired
How can conditioned inhibition be measured?
Bidirectional response systems
Negative summation (Compound-stimulus/summation test)
Retardation of acquisition test