Lecture 3-7 Flashcards
Define absolute difference
absolute value of (x-y)
Define adjusted disease/mortality rate
fictitious summary rate statistically adjusted to remove the effect of a variable; such as age or sex, to permit unbiased comparison between groups having different compositions with respect to these variables
Define attack rate (incidence proportion)
Proportion of the population that develops illness during an outbreak
Define case definitions
Set of uniform criteria used to define a disease/condition for public health surveillance
Define case fatality rate
proportion of persons with the disease that die form it (# of cause specific deaths/# of cases of disease)
Define cause-specific morbidity rate
number of people with cause specific disease/total number in population
define cause-specific mortality rate
mortality rate from a specific cause for a population (# of cause specific death/# of persons in population)
define cause specific survival rate
of cause-specific cases alive/total number of cases of disease
define CDC
Center for disease control and prevention tracks and investigates public health trends
define cluster
aggregation of cases grouped in place and time that are suspected to be greater than the number expected, even though the expected number may not be known
define common source outbreak
outbreak in which a group of persons are all exposed to an infectious agent or toxin from the same source
define crude morbidity rate
of those that were diseased with anything/total population
define crude mortality rate
mortality rate from all causes of death in a population (# of deaths [all causes]/# of persons in population)
define cumulative incidence
another name for incidence proportion, proportion of initially disease-free population that develops disease, becomes injured, or dies during a specified period of time
Define disease registries
Tracks a person with disease over time and usually includes diagnostic, treatment, and outcome information
define endemic
The constance presence of a disease within a given area or population in excess of normal levels in other areas (ie: HIV in Africa)
Define epidemic
Occurrence of disease clearly in excess of normal expectancy
define fertility rate
live births/1000 women of childbearing age (15-44)
define fixed/dynamic population
fixed populations are those that remain relatively constant while dynamic fluctuate
define frequency
not only the number of health events but also the relationship of that number to the size of the population
define incidence
new cases of disease
define incidence density
of new cases of disease/total person-time of population at risk for the disease
define incidence rate
of new cases of disease/ person-time at risk for the disease
Define incubation period
length of time between exposure and onset of symptoms
define induction period
the period required for specific agent to produce a disease: the interval for the causes action of a factor to initiate disease
define infant mortality rate
proportion of live births in a community that died before their first birthday (per 1000 births) (# of deaths in those less than one year of age/1000 live births)
define infectivity
proportion of exposed persons who become infected (# infected/# susceptible
define point source outbreak
if a group is exposed over a brief period, so that everyone who becomes ill will do so in one incubation period
define postnatal mortality rate
proportion of deaths in neonates that died after 28 days of life but before their first birthday (per1000 births in that community) (# of deaths in those >28 days but
define prevalence
existing cases of disease + new cases of disease (# of existing cases of disease/# of population)
Define proportional mortality rate (PMR):
of cause-specific deaths/total # of deaths in a population
define secondary attack rate
number of new cases among contacts/total number of contacts
define active surveillance
public health officials go into community to search for new disease/condition cases
define passive surveillance
relies on health care system to follow regulations on required reportable diseases/conditions
define survival rate
alive that had disease/total number that had disease
define virulence
synonymous with case-fatality rate. proportion of clinically apparent cases that are severe or fatal (the ability to cause death) (# of deaths/# with infectious disease)
Define WHO
World heath organization that is concerned with improving the health of the world’s people and preventing or controlling communicable diseases on a worldwide basis through various technical projects and programs
Define live birth rate (natality)
population-based measures of birth (# live births/1000 people in population)
Define maternal mortality rate
of female deaths related to pregnancy/100000 live births
define MMWR
The morbidity and Mortality Weekly report, a weekly scientific publication prepared and published by the CDC
define neonatal mortality rate
of deaths in those under 28 days of age/1000 live births
define pandemic
an epidemic occurring over a very wide area involving a large number of people (many times multi-region or multi-national)
Define pathogenicity
Proportion of infected individuals who develop clinically apparent disease (ability to cause clinical disease) (# with clinical disease/# infected)
Define National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS)
nation-wide collaboration that enables all levels of public health-local, state, territorial, federal and international, to share notifiable disease-related information
What are the 3 factors necessary to appropriately compare disease frequencies in different populations
- number of people affected/impacted (frequency)
- size of the source population (from which disease cases or outcomes arose) or those at risk
- Length of time the population (or individuals in the population) is/are followed