lecture 23 & ch. 21, 23, 24 Flashcards
main points: roman things, aeneas and vergil's aeneid (the sack of troy from the loser's perspective), roman myth (history as myth)
Upon his return home from Troy, Agamemnon and Clytemnestra have new partners. Who are these additions?
Clytemnestra has taken Aegisthus, son of Thyestes, as her new bf.
Agamemnon has brought Cassandra with him back to Mycenae as his prize.
What is the trilogy that describes Agamemnon’s nostoi?
Oresteia by Aeschylus
Describe the three parts of the Oresteia by Aeschylus.
- Clytemnestra murders Agamemnon
- Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, feels he must avenge his father so he kills Clytemnestra.
- Because he killed family, Orestes is tormented by the furies. Eventually, there is a trial in Athens where Orestes is acquitted.
Throughout Aeschylus’ Oresteia, what question is the audience being asked?
The audience is asked, “what is justice?”
The conclusion of Aeschylus’ Oresteia, signifies what? How is this proven?
- The conclusion of Orestes being acquitted of murdering his mother signifies a shift in the cultural meaning of justice throughout ancient Greece.
- It once was vengeance, now justice is focused on democracy. - At the end of the play, at the end of the trial, the furies that had been tormenting Orestes are transformed. This is metaphoric as the meaning of justice has also
How is the history of Rome’s settlers best described?
i.e. etruscans, latini’s, eventually greeks and phoenicians.
Rome was initially a monarchy, what replaced this government system? What was the government system in place when Rome fell?
- RES PUBLICA -republic
- ruled by the senate, consuls appearing as a figure head as opposed to having real power. - IMPERIUM - the empire replaced the republic.
- system came into place after the assassination of Julius Caesar.
In terms of religion, prior to the adoption of anthropomorphic gods, what did Romans believe in?
NUMEN - “nodder,” a thing’s spirit.
To the Romans, religion was not based in faith. How was religion viewed?
- A Roman would sacrifice something in hopes of receiving something in return from the Numen.
What is the most notable example of Numina?
Janus, the gate of war.
- when open, the romans were in a state of war.
- when closed, the romans were in a state of peace.
What is the Lares?
An example of fixed numina, specifically the borders and property of a home.
What is the Penates?
An example of moveable numina, specifically the sense
of family history and family spirits that can travel with you.
What is the Vesta?
an example of how the family is fixed and moveable at the same time.
How do you know if you are displaying a form of pietas?
Pietas is anytime you align yourself and your individuality within a larger structure that you serve.
What is central to Roman culture?
the paterfamilias