general facts about the ancients Flashcards
What is the basis of religion?
Religion for the ancients involves practice, it was something you do.
ex. perform sacrifices, libations etc.
How is myth viewed from the perspective of the ancients?
Myth is a traditional story passed down generationally.
What are four aspects that can be involved in myth?
Myth can involve:
1. legendary figures.
2. explanations for either the universe of the gods
3. folktale motifs.
- It can also explain a society and a culture to those who study it, either in the present or in BCE.
What is an absolute regarding interpretation of myth?
Why is the Ptolemaic Kingdom most significant of the Hellenistic Kingdoms?
Under the Ptolemies, Egypt becomes the center for Greek culture in the ancient world.
What are three aspects of the Etruscans?
- Lived in Eturia
- Had connections to the Greek world.
What are the three stages of being a woman?
- Parthenos - unmarried, virgin.
- Nymphe - married
- Gune - mother
What kind of shield does a Hoplite carry?
What kind of technique was common to use? What was the purpose of a battle?
- Phalanx
- The point wasn’t to kill but to break the opposing phalanx.
Myth is connected with both..? What is the proof of this?
- early religion and fertility
- proof is seen in the Cycladic female marble figures (emphasis on the public area of the figure)
What are three key terms relating to the Sumerians (4000-2300 BCE)?
- Cuneiform - writing system that used a wedge shaped form
- Polytheism
- Ziggurat - home of a god in ancient Sumerian communities
Who are two significant groups of Semites (4000 - 2300 BCE)?
- Akkadians
- Babylonians
In what way did the Hebrews deviate from the norm within Ancient cultures?
They were monotheistic, believing in only one god as opposed to multiple.
What is something notable regarding the relationship of the Greeks and the Egyptians?
The Greek were fascinated with the Egyptians and absorbed much of their culture.
Where were the Hittites located?
In Asia Minor, in the Anatolian coast.
Is myth authoritative?
YES. It is considered truth and connects generations to their past.