general Flashcards
What is the chronological timeline of ancient Rome and Greece? The years each era lasted?
Early / Mid Bronze Age, 3000-1600 BCE
Late Bronze Age (Mycenaean), 1600-1150 BCE
Dark Age (Iron), 1150-800 BCE
Archaic Period, 800-480 BCE
Classical Period, 480-323 BCE
Hellenistic Period, 323-30 BCE
Roman Period, 30BCE-1453 CE
What are 3 defining features of the Minoans (archeological and in myth)?
- Linear A script.
- King Minos & the labyrinth
What are 3 defining features of the Indo-Europeans?
- Migrated from central Asia
- Active in Greece ca. 2100 BCE
- Conquered Minoans ca. 1650 BCE
What is significant of the Bronze Age?
This is the setting for many myths.
What are 5 defining features of the Archaic period (800 - 480 BCE)?
- Invention of the alphabet
- Development of the polis
- Increased commerce and trade resulting in the introduction of coinage
- Athenian democracy is established from the reforms of Cleisthenes
- Persian Wars (490-479 BCE)
What are 3 defining features of the Dark (Iron) Age (1150 - 800 BCE)?
- No writing
- Minimal pottery
- Minimal archeological evidence
What are 3 defining features of the Classical Period (480 - 323 BCE)?
- Considered to be the ‘golden age’ of Greek literature and art.
- Freedom is seen through the Athenian democracy and Spartan military valor.
What are 3 defining features of the Hellenistic Period (323 - 30 BCE)?
- The establishment of the Hellenistic Kingdoms
- Ptolemaic (Egypt) Kingdom becoming hub for Greek culture
- Rome conquers the Mediterranean
How are myths passed on?
What were the two main genres of the Classical Period (480 - 323 BCE)?
- Choral Song
- Tragedy
What were the three main genres of the Archaic Period (800 - 480 BCE)?
- Epic
- Hymn
- Wisdom Literature
What were the two main genres of the Hellenistic Period (323 - 30 BCE)?
- Epic
- Mythography
What is Mythography?
The creation or collection of myths.
Who is the most important author of the Roman period (30 BCE - on)? What did he compose?
- Vergil
- Composed the Aeneid - An account of the saga of Aeneis; kind of like a Roman creation story.
Who is the Roman poet nearest and dearest to Professor Sampsons heart?
Ovid, he composed the metamorphoses.
What are the four approaches to Ancient Theory?
- Rationalism
- Allegory
- Symbolism
- Euhemerism
What is The Golden Bough? What is the main story? What does the story represent?
- A book written by James Frazer, meant to catalogue and compile works from all over.
- The essential story was called “King of the Wood” and it consisted of a slave overthrowing a king and taking his place as ruler. This cycle would repeat every generation.
- It was supposed to represent ritualistic practices being imbedded in myth as well as how this cycle illustrates certain cultural truths.