Lecture #22: Endocrine System--Posterior Puitary, Thyroid, and Parathyroid Flashcards
What is the function of the posterior pituitary gland?
• Does not synthesize hormones
• Consists of axon terminals from two groups of hypothalamic
• These neurons release two peptide hormones that enter
– Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or vasopressin
– Oxytocin (OT)
What types of neural tissues is in the posterior pituitary gland?
resembles neural tissue with glial cells,
nerve fibers, nerve endings, and neurosecretory vesicles.
Where is ADH and OT transpoted after they are made in the hypothalamus?
are transported into the neurosecretory
vesicles where they are stored until a signal comes to
stimulate release.
What is Anti-duretic hormone (ADH)?
ADH produced by cells in supraoptic nucleus in the
hypothalamus in response to signals from
osmoreceptors (hydration status)
What are the actions of ADH?
– Prevents diuresis – decreases urine production by stimulating
the kidneys to return more water back to the blood
– Prevents water loss in sweat glands
– Causes constriction of arterioles (Vasopressin)
What is the regulation of ADH?
Dehydration or high osmolarity of
– ADH released from posterior
• Overhydration or low osmolarity
of blood
– ADH release inhibited
• ADH release inhibited by alcohol
• Lack of ADH results in diabetes
– Inability of the kidneys to conserve H2O
– Excessive urination
What is oxytocin? (OT)
Produced by cells in
the paraventricular
nucleus of the
What is Oxytocin target cells?
• Two target tissues:
– Uterus: during labor
– Mammary glands:
after delivery
What is the regulation of oxytoncin during labor?
• Stimulation of uterus by baby’s head
causes stretch of cervix
- Oxytocin release from posterior pituitary
- Uterine smooth muscle contracts
• As the baby’s head is pushed into the
cervix, oxytocin release increases
• muscle contraction, which pushes the
baby further and elicits even more
oxytocin release
• When baby is born, the positive feedback
loop ceases.
How does oxytoxcin effect mammary glands?
• Effect on Mammary Glands
– suckling & hearing baby’s cry stimulates oxytocin release
– oxytocin causes muscle contraction & milk ejection
• Lactation is the process of milk production and ejection
– milk production is stimulated by Prolactin
– Prolactin and Oxytocin work together in lactation
How do thyroid hormones form?
- Iodide trapping by follicular cells
- Synthesis of thyroglobulin (TGB)
- Release of TGB into colloid
- Iodination of tyrosine in colloid
• Formation of T3 & T4 by combining T1
and T2
• Uptake & digestion of TGB by follicle
• Secretion of T3 & T4
into blood; binds
to thyroxine binding globulin (TBG)
What is the function of thyroid hormones?
• Increase basal metabolic rate by stimulating the cellular use
of O2
to produce ATP –> increased cellular catabolism of
glucose (glycolysis), fatty acids (beta oxidation) and
triglycerides (lipolysis)
• Increase synthesis of Na+
/K+ ATPase –> more ATP is used to
pump ions –> ATP use produces heat, which raises body
temperature –> called the calorigenic effect
• Enhance some actions of sympathetic nervous system by upregulating
beta-receptors –> increased heart rate,
contractility and blood pressure
• Stimulate growth (in conjunction with hGH and insulin)
particularly during development
What is Hyposecretion?
• During development, infancy and/or early childhood results in dwarfism and severe mental retardation (congenital
hypothyroidism or cretinism)
• In the adult results in edema, low heart rate, muscle
weakness, sensitivity to cold, low body temperature, weight
gain and mental dullness (myxedema)
What is Hypersecretion?
Hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease) – weight loss, nervousness, tremor, increased heart rate and blood pressure , exophthalmos (edema behind eyes), high body temp, sweating
What is Goiter?
• enlarged thyroid (usually due to dietary
lack of iodine)
• occurs because TSH levels are high –> stimulates growth of thyroid gland
• can be associated with hyperthyroidism,
hypothyroidism or euthyroidism
• dietary lack of iodine leads to lowthyroid hormone (T3/T4) production –> stimulates TSH by negative feedback –>stimulates thyroid gland growth
What cell does calcitonin associate with?
secreted by parafollicular (C) cells of the thyroid gland. Lowers blood Ca2+ levels by
inhibiting osteoclasts
What is a parathyroid hormone?
secreted by chief cells of
the parathyroid gland.
Raises blood Ca2+ levels
by stimulating osteoclasts
What are the primary functions of the Parathyroid hormone?
- Raises blood calcium levels
- increases activity of osteoclasts
- increases reabsorption of Ca2+ by kidney
- inhibits reabsorption of phosphate (HPO4)2-
- promotes formation of calcitriol (active vitamin D) by kidney which increases absorption of Ca2+ and Mg2+ by intestinal tract
Draw or describe the cycle of the parathyroid hormone with the associate of Calcium levels.
- High level Ca2+ in blood stimulates thyroid gland parafollicular cells to release more CT
- Calcitonin inhibits osteoclasts, thus decreasing blood Ca2+ level
- Low Level Ca2+ in blood stimulates parathyroid gland chief cells to release more PTH
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) promotes resorption of Ca2+ from bone extracellular matrix into blood extracellular matrix into blood and retards loss of Ca2+ in urine, thus increasing blood Ca2+ level
- PTH also stimulates the kidneys to release calcitriol
- Calcitriol stimulates increased absorption of Ca2+ from foods, which increases blood Ca2+ level