Lecture 20 Flashcards
What are the five major types of supraglottic muscles?
1) pharyngeal
2) velar
3) mandibular
4) tongue
5) facial
What are the three pharyngeal constrictors?
1) inferior
2) middle
3) superior
The pharyngeal constrictors ____ out and meet at the _________ _____ ________
Fan; pharyngeal raphae posteriorly
Which of the pharyngeal constrictors is the largest?
The most inferior part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor fibers blend with those of the __________
What is the main muscle that makes up the upper esophageal sphincter?
Which part of the pharyngeal constrictors is in the oropharyngeal region?
Which part of the pharyngeal constrictors is in the velopharyngeal region?
Where is the middle pharyngeal constrictor located in relation to the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
Stacked on top and within the inferior constrictor
Which pharyngeal constrictor is the smallest?
The medial raphe courses up to the ____ of _____ but the _______ _____ don’t. But the space is filled by the _________ ____________ and ______________ _____
Base of skull; muscle fibers; pharyngeal aponuerosis and pharyngobasilar fascia
When swallowing, the pharyngeal constrictors contract __________ rather than ___________, this is known as _________ ____
Sequentially; simultaneously; peristaltic action
The salpingopharyngeal fold extends _______ from the inferior border of the __________ ____ orafice
Inferiorly; Eustachian tube
Where is the salpingopharyngeus located?
Sapingopharyngeal fold
What are the two different viewpoints on the salpingopharyngeus?
1) weak muscle, often absent, little functional significance
2) superior origin and inferior course are highly variable but always present
The palatopharyngeus is a muscle of the ____ ______
Soft palate
If the stylopharyngeus muscle is contracted the ______ can be ________ and further _______
Pharynx; elevated; dialated
O: styloid process of the temporal bone
I: inferior side of the pharynx
F: dilates and elevates the pharynx and larynx during swallow
What is the function of the pharyngeal muscles for speech?
Change of shape of the pharynx creates changes in resonance
What is the ridge in the back of the throat, not present in everyone and in who is it more common in?
Passvant’s ridge, more common in those with cleft palate
What is the formal name for the back of the throat?
Posterior pharyngeal wall
The Eustachian tube connects what two places?
1) middle ear cavity
2) nasopharynx
How long is the Eustachian tube? (Range)
35-38 mm
The Eustachian tube courses ________, ________, and ________ from the middle ear
Inferiorly, anteriorly, medially
What are the two major functions of the Eustachian tube?
1) to aerate the middle ear and equalize air pressure
2) drain fluid from the middle ear
What are infants more susceptible to the middle ear
The horizontal tube is more horizontal in infants
What is the primary muscle for lifting the velum?
Levators veil palatini
Which muscle opens the Eustachian tube?
Tensor veil palatini
The levators veli palatini arises from the _______ ____ and inserts to the mid-portion of the _____, forming a muscle “_____” with its opposite side
Cranial base; velum; sling
What is the function of the levator veli palatini?
Elevate and retract velum, open the ET
What sounds does the levator veli palatini contract on?
All non-nasals
The tensor veli palatini arises from the _____ portion of the ________ ____ and ______ ______, and converge and end in a ______ that winds around the ________ to help form the _______ __________
Upper; pterygoid fossa; Eustachian tube; tendon; hamulus; palatal aponeurosis
What are the two parts of the tensor veli palatini?
1) dilatator tube
2) tensor veli palatini proper
What are the two functions of the tensor veli palatini?
1) may tense velum during swallow
2) tensor veli palatini proper
What is another name of the uvular muscle?
Musculus uvulae
Where is the musculus uvulae located?
Dorsal surface of the velum
What creates the bulge on the posterior part of nasal surfaces of the velum
Uvular muscle/musculus uvulae
What are the two functions of the uvular muscle?
1) stiffness
2) fill the gap
Which muscle is the palatoglossus an antagonist to?
Levator veli palatini
What is the function of the palatoglossus muscle?
Depresses the velum
Where is the palatoglossus located?
Within the anterior faucial pillar
What are the two sections of the palatopharyngeus?
1) horizontal fibers
2) vertical fibers
What are the two functions of the vertical fibers of the palatopharyngeus?
1) lowering the velum
2) elevation of larynx
What is the function of the horizontal fibers of the palatopharyngeus
Sphincter action of lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls pulling them medially and anteriorly
What happens to the velum during nasal sounds?
Maintained in lowered position
What two muscles are activated during nasal sounds?
1) palatalglossus
2) palatopharyngeus (vertical fibers)
What happened to the velum during oral sounds?
Velum elevates and closes off the nasal cavity from the oral cavity below
What are the three gestures that need to happen to complete velopharyngeal closure?
1) elevate the velum
2) medial movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall
3) anterior movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall
In most individuals what is the largest gesture in velopharyngeal closure?
Elevation of the velum
In children what unique structure helps with velopharyngeal closure?
Adenoid pad
At what age does the adenoid pad begin to atrophy?
Which part of the articulatory tract is the slowest?
Surgery to remove the adenoid pad may result in: