Lecture 20 Flashcards
Describe the Jeffress neural coincidence model
some neurons receive input from
both ears and respond to ITD (are essentially
ITD detectors)
Describe Reichardt detectors
makes a judgment as to whether or not two
incoming signals are received simultaneously
(i.e. have what can be referred to as ‘coincident
Describe ITD tuning curves
ITD tuning curves can be examined to see if they provide supporting
evidence for the Jeffress neural coincidence model
- Barn owls have neurons with narrow tuning curves which respond best to
specifics ITDs
Describe how we interpret the numbers on an ITD tuning curve
- μs = microsecond
- 1 second = 1 000 000 μs
- The absolute values on the x axis of this tuning
curve represents the magnitude of ITD - 0 = signals that reach both ears at the same time
- Small values = signals that reach each ear with
less difference in timing - Large values = signals that reach each ear with
more difference in timing - The sign (+ or -) for the values on these tuning
curves indicates which ear the signal reached first
Describe ITD values
The ITD values on these tuning curves are
calculated by subtracting the time at which the
signal reaches the ipsilateral ear from the time at
which the signal reaches the contralateral ear
- Positive values = neurons that respond best to
sounds that reach the contralateral ear first - Negative values = neurons that respond best to
sound that reach the ipsilateral ear first
Describe IT tuning curves in animals
- It may be more likely that mammals use population coding to encode ITD for the
purpose of localizing sounds (whereas birds may use something more like specificity
Which areas are involved in locating sound?
Area A1 and the posterior belt
What does the anterior belt do?
perceiving more complex sound
Describe the dorsal stream in hearing
extends from the posterior
belt to the parietal lobe and frontal cortex (red arrows)
- Used to locate sounds
Describe the ventral stream in hearing
extends from the anterior
belt to the temporal lobe and frontal cortex (green
- Used to identify sounds
Describe direct sound
sound that reaches the
listener’s ears straight from the source
Describe indirect sound
sound that is reflected off
of environmental surfaces and then to the
Describe the precedence effect
When sound comes from the lead speaker followed by the lag
speaker with a long delay, listeners hear two sounds
- When the delay is decreased to 5-20 msec, listeners hear the
sound as only coming from the lead speaker
define architectural acoustics
the study of how sounds are reflected in
rooms (e.g. how the design of concert halls influence the perception of sound)
Define reverberation time
the time it takes sound to decrease to 1/1000th of its
original pressure
- If it is too long, sounds seem ‘muddled’
- If it is too short, sounds seem ‘dead’
- Ideal times are around two seconds
Describe intimacy time
time between when sound leaves its source and when the first
reflection arrives
- Best time is around 20 ms
Describe bass ratio
ratio of low to middle frequencies reflected from surfaces
- High bass ratios are best
Describe spaciousness factor
fraction of all the sound received by listener that is indirect
- High spaciousness factors are typically perceived as most pleasing
Describe the auditory scene
the array of all sound
sources in the environment
Describe auditory scene analysis
process by
which sound sources in the auditory scene
are separated into individual perceptions
- Does not happen at the cochlea since
simultaneous sounds are processed
together in the pattern of vibration of the
basilar membrane
Describe simultaneous grouping
Heuristics help to perceptually organize stimuli (similar to idea of Gestalt
principles for grouping objects based visual properties)
- Onset time: sounds that start at different times are likely to come from different
sources - Location: a single sound source tends to come from one location
- Individual sources of sound also tend to move in a smooth and continuous
way (e.g. a car driving by) - Similarity of timbre and pitch: similar sounds are grouped together (e.g. a flute
will typically continue sounding like a flute throughout an entire piece of music)
Describe sequential grouping
When a single instrument alternates rapidly between streams of low and high
notes, the listener perceives it as two separate melodies
* This is referred to as implied polyphony or compound melodic lines by
musicians, or auditory stream segregation by psychologists
Describe the scale illusion
Experiment by Deutsch (1975): demonstrates
the scale illusion or melodic channeling
- Stimuli were two sequences alternating
between the right and left ears - Listeners perceive two smooth sequences by
grouping the sounds by similarity in pitch - Because sounds with the same frequency
usually come from the same source in the
natural environment, this heuristic often allows
us to accurately separate sound sources
Describe proximity in time
sounds that occur in rapid succession usually come from the same source
- This principle was illustrated in auditory streaming