Lecture 2 MCH Flashcards
The Government
La Secretaría de Gobernación
The respondent is appearing pro se
state your appearance for the record.
the Government asserts that you are in the US in violation of law. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether you are an alien
The Court must determine whether there any provisions of law that would permit you to remain in the US permanently
you will be leaving the US under an order of removal or an order of voluntary departure. These questions will be answered after hearing all of the facts of the case.
would you be willing to swear on oath to tell the truth?
The court clerk is providing you with a legal aid list of individuals and organizations that may be able to represent you at little or no cost.
want to warn you that you may encounter unscrupulous individuals, in fact, some may be outside in the halls of this building, that present themselves as people that can help you in these proceedings.
If you do not appear at the next hearing as ordered you will be ordered deported and removed from the United States, unless you can show that your absence was caused by exceptional circumstances beyond your control.
any applications for relief you may have pending before this court will be deemed abandoned and will be denied. Additionally, you will become ineligible for certain forms of relief, such as voluntary departure, cancellation of removal, adjustment of status, or change of status for a period of ten years.
There being nothing further, this matter is continued to the date and time indicated on the notice provided to the parties.
The respondent is appearing pro se
La parte compareciente comparece/actúa en representación propia.
State your appearance for the record
Preséntense para que consten en actas.
Do you swear or affirm that you are competent to interpret from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English, and that you will do so accurately and completely?
¿Jura o protesta que usted está capacitada para interpretar del inglés al español y del español al inglés, y que lo hará fielmente y sin omisiones?
The Government asserts that you are in the US in violation of law
La Secretaría de Gobernación afirma que usted está en Los Estados Unidos ilegalmente.
The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether you are an alien
El fin de esta audiencia es determinar si usted tiene la condición de extranjero
The Court must determine whether there any provisions of law that would permit you to remain in the US permanently
El Juez debe determinar si existen alguna disposiciones migratorias que le permitiría tener estancia en los Estados Unidos permanentemente.
You will be leaving the US under an order of removal or an order of voluntary departure
Usted saldrá de los Estados Unidos bajo una Orden de Expulsión* o una Orden de Retorno Voluntario.
These questions will be answered after hearing all of the facts of the case.
Estas preguntas se responderán después de conocer todos los hechos que fundamentan la causa.
Mr. Carlos Montero, would you be willing to swear an oath to tell the truth?
Sr. Carlos Montero, ¿estaría dispuesto a prestar juramento de decir verdad?
The court clerk is providing you with a legal aid list of individuals and organizations that may be able to represent you at little or no cost
La actuaria judicial le proporciona una lista de personas y organismos de ayuda legal que lo puede representar legalmente a poco costo o gratuitamente.
Be sure to get that person’s business card
Asegúrese de solicitarle su tarjeta de presentación.
Do you acknowledge that you are making this decision of your own free will, and that you have not been coerced in any way to forego your right to representation?
¿Certifica/Da fe que usted está tomando esta decisión bajo su libre albedrío y que no ha sido coaccionado de ninguna forma para que usted renuncie a su derecho a ser representado legalmente?
I find that the respondent’s waiver of his right to an attorney has been given knowingly and voluntarily, and the Court will proceed with this hearing.
Determino que la renuncia hecha por la parte compareciente a tener asistencia legal ha sido manifestada libre y voluntariamente y que el Juez procederá con esta audiencia.
Unless you can show that your absence was caused by exceptional circumstances beyond your control
A menos que usted pueda demostrar que su ausencia fue ocasionada por circunstancias extraordinarias fuera de su control.
Any applications for relief you may have pending before this court will be deemed abandoned and will be denied
Toda solicitud de un beneficio migratorio que usted tenga pendiente ante este Juez, se considerará desistida y será rechazada/negada.
You will become ineligible for certain forms of relief, such as voluntary departure, cancellation of removal, adjustment of status, or change of status for a period of ten years
Usted dejará de cumplir con los requisitos para recibir ciertos tipos de beneficios migratorios, como lo son el retorno voluntario, anulación de la orden de expulsión, regularización de la situación migratoria, a cambio de situación migratoria por un periodo de diez años.
There being nothing further, this matter is continued to the date and time indicated on the notice provided to the parties
Ya que no hay nada más que tratar, se aplaza esta causa a la fecha y la hora indicada en la notificación proporcionada a las partes.