Lecture 2: Human mobility Flashcards
Definition of migration
crossing of an administrative boundary and changing place of residence for over 6 months
Types of mobility
Forced resettlement
circular migration
international migration
pastoral nomadism
rural to urban migration
Historical movements
people have always moved
British colonial- partition of india
Syrian conflict- large scale and mostly forced
Extended economic rationality
what point do we decide to move- links with the socio-psychological theories- linking with interacting with the environment
- mostly for economic reasons
- lack of human agency and household
Ravensteins law of migration
each main current of migration - produces a compensatiing counter current
Acted by forces by all different levels
Push and pull factors and intervening obstacles
life cycle stages- retirement - separation
right to papers
building a better future for children
haven’t got enough money- bad agriculture/crop fail
or seeking a change in adventure
Behavioural models
response to a change in needs
migration caused by stress and dissatisfaction- however not everyone affected to the same degree
what you get from where you live
What causes immobility?
not enough money
havent got a job there
but mostly not economic - high satisification - resource barriers -Low mobility potential - positive attachment to a place scared tied to their place by obligation- look after mom
Migration as a system
other factors affect migrants
recieving community and sending community
flows of migration
what is a successful migration?
household- migrant
new economics of labour migration and remittances
migration as a risk spreading strategy
diversifies livelihood
migrant remains part of the household through remittances
- usually from a major urban centre or overseas
- facilitates the household
- complex relationship over space and time
refugees and asylum seekers
british government- uses time as a weapon- to make and give decisions
failed asylum seekers - in a space- dont belong either place
persecution aspect and fear from own country- fleeing generalised violence
refugge- unable or willing to return
strong ethnic group consciousness sustained over long period of time-
Jewish community
people who spread from home locations to other locations- a troubled relationship with host societies- suggesting a lack of acceptance
we dont have single fixed identities
links to a sense of place
gilroy 1993- extroverted geography - routes not roots
- climate change
- development
- conflict
- natural disaster
little support in transition of livelihoods
not done very well- risks of impovershiment are high- lacking a political voice- affected communites are marginalised- landless- jobless- food insecurity
idea of people drifting from place to place- not a good place
there is a threshold people leave- community not viable
migration and gender- feminisation of migration flows- more women migrating- specific roles- export orientated– service sector- can alter gender relations - cohen - pay less than men
Reading- cohen 2011
remittances are one part of a system of strong transnational connections- that link people over distances and around diverse cultural practices
non- movers- rely on remittances- sometimes caught in a web of dependency and consumerism
remittances- can displace local inequalities
drive- consumptive spending
refugees and displaces persons- represent challenges- revolve around impacts on social/natural disasters- as they seek safety and opportunities
highly skilled migrant- welcomed by destination country- unskilled negaotiate at border- remains unassimilated- accept low wage work
Reading- stark and Bloom 1985
migration looked upon as a process of innovation- adoption/diffusion