lecture 2 - head & neck 2 Flashcards
What is the function of temporalis?
Elevates and retrudes mandible for mastication
What is the function of masseter?
Elevates mandible for mastication
What is the function of medial pterygoid muscle?
Elevates and protrudes mandible
What is the function of lateral pterygoid?
protrudes & depresses chin - opens mouth
What is the function of the digastric muscle?
Elevates hyoid, and when hyoid is fixed, depresses mandible
What is the nerve supply of the anterior belly of digastric muscle?
Mylohyoid nerve, a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve of V3 (mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve)
What is the nerve supply of the posterior belly of digastric muscle?
Branch of facial nerve
What type of joint is the temperomandibular joint?
Modified hinge synovial
What are the articular surfaces of the TMJ?
condyle of mandible,
articualr tubercle and mandibular fossa of temporal bone
What are the 3 key ligaments of the Temperomandibular joint?
Sphenomandibular ligament, lateral ligament, stylomandibular ligament
What are the possible movements of the mandible at the TMJ?
Depression, elevation, protrusion, retraction, lateral movement
What are the functions of sternocleidomastoid?
Flexes and rotates neck
What are the 2 veins that form the external jugular vein?
Retromandibular vein, Posterior Auricular vein
Which vein crosses sternocleidomastoid?
External jugular vein
What is the common name for the infrahyoid muscles?
Strap muscles