Lecture 2 - Electrolytes Hyponatremia Flashcards
Na Range
135-145 mEq/L
Sodium (135-145 mEq/L)
- primary ___ cation
- needed to maintain cellular ___
- maintains osmolar gradient which regulates fluid ___ throughout the diff compartments
- extracellular
- integrity
- homeostasis
- most ___ and complicated disturbace
- too rapid correction of Na results in ___
- ___ injury
- acute effects of hypo-osmolarity
- significant morbidity and mortality
- common
- demyelination
- brain
Na level less than ___ is considered hyponatremia
Na < 135 mEq/L
Osmolality (275-290 mOsm/L)
- number of ___ per L of water
serum Osm calculation should predict the measured serum osm within ___ mOsm/L
5-10 mOsm/L
Example Serum Osm Calculation
Osm = (2 x Na) + (BUN/2.8) + (glucose/18)
Actual serum Osm = 322 mOsm/L
Osm = (2 x 145) + (10/2.8) + (90/18)
= 299 mOsm/L
since actual serum Osm is greater than 5-10 mOsm/L from what was calculated, we know theres some other substance in the blood
Pseudohyponatremia (Isotonic)
- extreme elevations of lipid and proteins increase the total plasma volume
- can be seen with ___ or ___
- leads to a dilution effect
- sodium appears low (it is still there, just ___ )
- ___ serum osmolality is not significantly affected
- ___ Osm is low (due to low sodium)
- Leads to an osmolality gap (OG)
- hypertriglyceridemia, hyperproteinemia
- displaced
- measured
- calculated
Calculated is low but measued isn’t affected
Hypertonic Hyponatremia
Na is low, what is making this hypertonic?
What is the calc Osm?
glucose is 6x normal level
(2 x 128) + (50/2.8) + (600/18) = 307 mOsm/L
Hypertonic Hyponatremia - Corrected Serum Na
What is the corrected Na?
Corrected Na+ = Na serum + 1.6[(BG-100)/100]
128 + 1.6[(600-100)/100] = 136 mEq/L
Hypotonic Hyponatremia
- > ___ of all hyponatremia
- most important step is to clincally assess the pt’s ___ volume
- hypovolemic, isovolemic, hypervolemic
- 90%
often the sickest patients are ___ volemic, ___ tonic, ___ natremic
hypo, hypo, hypo
need fluid and Na
Hypovolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremic
decrease in both ___ and ___
___ causes (urine Na > 20 mEq/L)
- ___ /excessive diuresis
- adrenal insufficiency ( ___ deficiency)
- salt losing nephropathy
- ___ salt wasting
total body water and Na
- diuretics
- mineralcorticoid
- cerebral
pt is typically on diuretic
hormonal or CNS disorder
Hypovolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremic
T or F: if urine Na is low (urine Na < 20 mEq/L), it’s a renal cause
F; non-renal
if you are peeing out a lot of Na it’s renal
Hypovolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremic
___ causes (urine Na < 20 mEq)
- blood loss/hemorrhage
- skin losses (burns, sweat, wounds)
- GI losses (vomiting, diarrhea, suction)