Lecture 2: Culture, Comparison and Context Flashcards
What are ‘symbols’
signs that have no necessary or natural connection with the things for which they stand
What is ‘enculturation’
the process by which a child learns his or her culture
Why is culture learned
Culture is learned through direct instruction and observations. Human cultural learning depends on the uniquely developed human capacity to use symbols
Why is culture symbolic?
Symbolic thought is unique and crucial to cultural learning. An example hereby are verbal and nonverbal symbols. The association between symbols and symbolized is arbitrary and conventional
Why is culture shared?
Because it is located in and transmitted through groups. Culture spreads through shared beliefs, values, memories, and expectations link people who grow up in the same culture. Enculturation unifies people by providing common experiences
Why is culture all-encompassing
culture includes features sometimes regarded as trivial or unworthy of serious study. To understand Western cultures, one must also consider television, fast-food restaurants, sports, and games. Culture is also inherently linked to politics
Why are cultures integrated and patterned systems?
if one part of culture changes, other parts of culture will change too. Important here are the core values of a culture
what are ‘core values’
key/basic/central values that integrate a culture
why is culture instrumental, adaptive and maladaptive?
Humans have biological and cultural ways of coping with environmental stress. What’s good for an individual isn’t necessarily good for the group. Many modern cultural patterns may be maladaptive in the long run
What does ‘hominid’ mean?
member of the hominid family; any fossil or living human, chimp or gorilla
What does ‘hominin’ mean?
Hominins: hominids excluding the African apes; all human species that ever existed
exists in all societies
exists in some, but not all, societies
things like a nuclear family, the process of diffusion, colonization and invention.
distinctive or unique culture trait, pattern, or integration
patterns of culture like diffusion and independent invention. When cultural traits are borrowed, traits modified to fit the adopting culture
National culture
cultural features shared by citizens of the same nation
international culture
cultural traditions that extend beyond national boundaries
identifiable cultural patterns existing within a larger culture
tendency to view one’s own culture as superior and to use one’s own standards and values in judging outsiders
practice theory
individuals within society have diverse motives
cultural relativism
to know another culture requires full understanding of its members’ beliefs and motivations
Human rights
rights based on justice and morality beyond and superior to particular countries, cultures, and religions
cultural rights
rights vested in religious and ethnic minorities and indigenous societies
intellectual property rights
an indigenous group’s collective knowledge and its applications
series of processes that work to make modern nations and people increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent
globalization as a fact
Spread and connectedness of production, communication, and technologies across the world. New aspects: speed, scale, volume