lecture 2 Flashcards
what is in the marketing mix
– Products&Services
– Pricing
– Promotions
– Place
what is in the marketing mix
– Products&Services
– Pricing
– Promotions
– Place
what does the marketing mix target
what is A product
is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want.
what are Services
are intangible activities or benefits that an organizationprovidestoconsumersin exchange for something of value.
A winning value proposition is more than just the Core product/service; what is ti
experience, community, packaging, brand, features, actual product/service, augmented product//service
what is the Product Life Cycle (4 stages)
what is A product
is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want.
what are Services
are intangible activities or benefits that an organizationprovidestoconsumersin exchange for something of value.
what is the difference between customer, client and consumer
customer, buy
client, receive
and consumer, use
CAN be the same person
what do do Products require
different marketing, financial, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resource strategies in each stage
do Products and services have a limited life
do Product sales pass through distinct stages
do products have just one level at all stages
no, Profits rise and fall at different stages
what do do Products require
different marketing, financial, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resource strategies in each stage
what is the Product Life Cycle’s coordinating consumers
innovators-- pre intro early adaptors-- intro early majority--growth late majority-- growth laggards-- decline
wha are laggards
fear of debt, neighbours and friends are informational sources
what are early adaptors
leaders in social setting, slightly above average education
what are early majority
deliberate, many informal social contacts
what re late majority
skeptical, below average social status
wha are laggards
fear of debt, neighbours and friends are informational sources
what are The Four I’s of Services
Intangibility Inconsistency
Inseparability Inventory
What is a Brand
A brand is a name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof that identifies a seller’s products and
differentiates them from competitors’ products.
The brand is an entity, a resource that has to be built and nurtured through time
Brand is often over and above the actual offering
what are examples of customer awareness and associations
Associations; personality smell sund colour shape/packaging etc
what is Brand Equity
Brand equity is the positive differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response totheproductor service
what is the BrandEquity equation
StrengthofBrandAwareness+ Brand Associations vis-à-vis the competition
explain Brand Equity: Strength of Brand Awareness+ Brand Associations vis-à-vis the competition
– Higher the level of brand awareness higher the equity
– More complex and hard to imitate/substitute positive brand associations higher the equity
Larger margins More inelastic consumer response Greater channel cooperation Increased marketing communications effectiveness Possible licensing opportunities
Improved perceptions of product performance
Greater consumer
Less vulnerability to competitive marketing actions
Less vulnerability to crises
what are Brand Elements
Brand elements serve to identify and differentiate the brand.
what is the Importance of Pricing
New Products do what to the PLC
extend the PLC and leveraging the power of brands
instead of a decline stage, it can have more growth
Sources for New Product Ideas
Competitors customers suppliers retailers employees distributers etc
New Products Fail at a High Rate: what is the stat
80% fail within year 1
10% more fail within 5 years
is Pricing is both REAL or PERCEPTUAL
what are Pricing Constraints
Demand Costs Competition Economic Regulation Pricing Dynamics Product lifecycle (newness) Single product vs. product line CUSTOMER VALUE PERCEPTIONS
what is are the 2 extremes for pricing (value pricing)
Price Ceiling (what is the most that we can charge for a burger?)
Price Floor (what limits how little we can charge?)
how to determine Value Pricing
Customers buy if Value > Price
Firms sell if Price>Cost
what is the PLC stage associated with persuading
what is the PLC stage associated with informing
introductiona nd early growth
what is the PLC stage associated with reminding
what is the PLC stage associated with persuading
what are the different types of media (media proliferiation)
owned, earned, paid
can forms of media overlap
yes it is more of a continuum than anything
what is earned media
blogs forums, word of mouth
how to Integrated Marketing Communications
Set Clear Objectives
Identify key Consumer Segments to Target
Decide on the key message based on positioning
Leverage multiple media to engage consumers at various points in their purchase journey.
– Mixcommunicationvehicles
– Offlinevs.Onlinevs.both
– Type of message (emotional vs .rational vs.mix) – Potential synergies across media
– Plans for leveraging Paid, Owned, and earned
Roll out the plan and have clear metrics to measure success – Reviseand refine if necessary
what are Channels
What Can Channels Do?
information, communication, inventory carrying, transportation, financing, risk taking, physical distribution, innovation, servicing
how to Integrated Marketing Communications
Set Clear Objectives
Identify key Consumer Segments to Target
Decide on the key message based on positioning
Leverage multiple media to engage consumers at various points in their purchase journey.
– Mixcommunicationvehicles
– Offlinevs.Onlinevs.both
– Typeofmessage(emotionalvs.rationalvs.mix) – Potentialsynergiesacrossmedia
– PlansforleveragingPaid,Owned,andearned
Roll out the plan and have clear metrics to measure success – Reviseand refine if necessary
what are the Types of Channels
direct/online channel retail/broker channel wholesaler channel C2C channel B2B channel
What Can Channels Do?
information, communication, inventory carrying, transportation, financing, risk taking, physical distribution, innovation, servicing
Factors Affecting Channel Choice
Image & Quality Signals
Economic Environment
product factors
consumer habit and preferences
what are the Types of Channels
direct/online channel retail/broker channel wholesaler channel C2C channel B2B channel
Channel Conflict comes with what
Conflict can be lowered by understanding, explain
– Is the channel profitable as a whole? Ensuring that channel partners understand the flows across the value chain.
– Ensure that every partner makes money.
– Ensure that channel partners have sufficient economic incentives to participate. If possible, separate partners based on consumer segments served.
– The “Soft” power of trust and commitment
– The“Hard” power of contracts
Conflict management in multi-level channels starts with understanding what
What is the nature of conflict?Verticalvs.horizontalconflict(i.e., Conflict at different levels (vertical) and samelevel (horizontal)) what
Conflict can be lowered by what
Conflict can be lowered by understanding, explain
– Isthechannelprofitableasawhole?Ensuringthatchannelpartners
understand the flows across the value chain.
– Ensurethateverypartnermakesmoney.
– Ensurethatchannelpartnershavesufficienteconomicincentivesto participate. If possible, separate partners based on consumer segments served.
– The“Soft”poweroftrustandcommitment
– The“Hard”powerofcontracts
give summary of Understand Customer Segments and Target Customers
– Utilize the four bases
give summary of Evaluate Positioning and positioning map –
Positioning including positioning map
– Points of Parity and Points of Difference
give a summary of Product:
– In-depth product understanding (core benefit, augmented product, etc.)
– PLC status and issues
-Development and leverage o fbrand equity
Key Takeaways: Product/Services are morethan core offering and have life cycles, ecplain
Brands are valuable resources and are embodied in key brand elements.
Brand equity is the strength of consumer brand awareness and associations
give summary of Selling
– Channel strategy
– Potential channel conflicts and conflict management – Where the product is available
give summary of promotion
Communication objectives &key message – Use of appropriate communication mix
Key Takeaways: Product/Services are morethan core offering and have life cycles, ecplain
Brands are valuable resources and are embodied in key brand elements.
Brand equity is the strength of consumer brand awareness and associations
The key to pricing is what
understanding what gives customer value
Communications help inform, persuade, and remind target segments; explain
Therearepaid,owned,andearnedmediathatshouldbeleveraged synergistically usingan integrated marketing communicationsplans
Channels are an important element of marketing strategies, explain
With growth channel conflict is to be expected and need to be
effectively managed
Marketing plans require what
a systematic thought