Lecture #2 Flashcards
Who are the 2 people credited for the developing the theory of evolution?
Darwin & Wallace
-Wallace independently came up with the same idea as Darwin
What was Aristotles theory on evolution?
he believed that species were fixed and no not evolve
What did other Greeks believe?
That we were created originally in our ‘ultimate form’ and we gradually degenerate overtime
Who put a date on creation?
Arch Bishop James Usher (1581-1656)
What is the actual date of creation?
What was Buffons idea about fossils?
That organisms arose from the fossilized ones
-people didn’t like this idea
What did Lamarck propose?
- He seriously proposed the idea of evolution
- The inheritance of acquired characteristic
What other idea did Darwin come up with after his travels?
The idea of “decent with modification” through the process of natural selection
What are the 2 main parts of the Darwinian theory of evolution?
- Individuals vary (accumulate differences from their ancestors)
- The force driving evolution is Natural Selection
What is differential reproduction?
Adapted individuals leave more descendants than those less adapted
What is the variation within species due to?
What is a Character State?
Is the various possible form of that character
-some of these states are adaptive
How do the arrangements of fossils appear?
in historical sequence from least complex–> more complex
When did Earth form?
4.5 BYA
When did life originate?
at least 3.5 BYA
-heterotrophs feeding on simple carbs
When did phototrophs originate?
3.4 BYA
When did Eukaryotes originate?
1.5 BYA
When did multi celled animals originate?
700 MYA
When did Fungi originate?
600 MYA
When do we think the 1st vascular plants arose?
400 MYA
Why was the Cambrian period important? (570-510)
Thought to have seen explosive evolution of phyla
What happened in the Ordovician? (510-439)
Possible invasion of land plants (400MYA)
What happened in the Silurian period? (439-408)
First fossil plants
What happened in the Devonian period? (408-362)
Diversification of land plants