LECTURE 2 Flashcards
Practices that influence the decision making process in terms of doing the right thing
• To ensure that the safety of the participants is adequately protected, experimental researches are subject to evaluation of an _____
Institutional review board
____ determining wether any risk to individual are outweighed by potential benefits or the importance of the knowledge gained
• Rosenthal stated that poorly designed research can be unethical; it can lead to inaccurate conclusions
* Time will be taken from potentially more beneficial educational experiences
* Money will be wasted to poor-quality science
Risk/ benefit analysis
Agreement to participate after having been fully informed about the nature of the study
• copy should be obtained in ___, and subjects should receive a copy
• Subjects legal rights may not be waived in case of injury
Informed consent
Agreement to participate of minor children subjects who are ages 7 and above; can also be from cognitively impaired subjects regardless of age
Informed assent
___ should not be disclosed in the form
Risk that is no greater in probability and severity than that ordinarily encountered in daily life or during tests ( informed consent is not always mandatory in minimal risk researches however it is usually desirable to obtain it whenever possible as a safeguard
Minimal risk
• During the Nuremberg war crime trials, the _____ as the code of ethical standards for scientific research was created
• In 1974, the national commission for the protection of human subject of biomedical and behavioral research was established
• In 1979 the US department of health, education and welfare issued the ____
Nuremberg code of 1947
Belmont report
___ Statement of government policy on research involving human subjects
• ____ every human being is an autonomous person with the right to make his or her own decisions about research
• ____ obligation to minimize risk of harm and maximize possible benefits for the individuals as well as to the society
• ___ selection of subjects with an eye towards fairness; subjects should come from the groups who will most likely to gain benefits
Belmont report
Respect for persons
Intentional misleading of subjects or withholding the full information about the nature of experiment to obtain accurate and unbiased results
• ___ Humane care and treatment of animals
• ___ law that protects the welfare of animals, even for those that are used in experiments and researches
• ___ Evaluates animal research before it can be conducted
Animal welfare
RA 8485 (animal welfare act of 1998)
Institutional animal care and use of committee (IACUC)
Publishing false data; breach of the ethical principle in APA (psychologist do not fabricate data)
Falsification of data can be detected through replication and ___ research articles that are submitted for publishing will be reviewed first by several experts
Peer reviews
Representation of someone else’s ideas, words or written works as your own
This set of ethical standards applies both to psychologist and students who assume the role of psychologist by engaging in research or practice
- also known as _____
APA code of ethics
Ethical principles of psychologist and code of conduct
Principle A : ____ psychologist strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm
PRINCIPLE B: ____ psychologist established relationships of trust with those with whom they work as well as their scientific and professional responsibility to the society
PRINCIPLE C : ___ psychologist seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology
Beneficence and nonmaleficence
Fidelity and responsibility
PRINCIPLE D: ____ Psychologist recognize that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from the contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the processes, procedures, and services being conducted by psychologist
• PRINCIPLE E: ____ Psychologist respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self-determination
Respect for peoples rights and dignity
• published by the psychological association of the Philippines in 2008 updated in 2022
• this code represents the principles and standards that govern the norms of conduct of all registered psychologist and psychometricians in the Philippines
• Also known as ____
Code of ethics and professional standard for psychology practitioners
PRINCIPLE 1: Respect for the dignity of persons and peoples
PRINCIPLES 2 : competent caring for the well being of persons and peoples
PRINCIPLE 3: integrity
PRINCIPLE 4: professional and scientific responsibilities to society