Lecture 2 Flashcards
Measuring advertising response: How to evaluate the performance of marketing
Each campaign/channel evaluated on incremental profit that it produces relative to its cost
ROI = incremental profit due to advertising - cost of advertising/cost of advertising
What are incremental sales and how do we measure them
Graph: Usual number of products sold and compare to products sold after the spend change
Additional sales made due to advertising over and above what would have been sold without advertising
Incremental profit
Additional profit made due to advertising over and above what would have been sold without advertising
Typically: A function of incremental sales
Popular techniques for estimating the incremental sales due to advertising:
This week: marketing attribute rules
Leveraging ability to track individual user data
Next week: Marketing mix modelling
With “aggregate” advertising spending and sales data
Later: Experimental approaches
Desinging “experiments” int he field to measure incrementality
Conversion journies: the conversion to marriage
Online swipe -> coffee date -> movie date
-> proposal -> marriage
Marketing attribution models: Marketing attribution
The process for determining which marketing touchpoint led to a conversion
Attribution models
Are the rule, or set of rules, that determines how conversion credit is assigned to different marketing touchpoints
How can I attribute credit to multiple campaigns that contributed to generating a conversion
The attribution problem assumes data on individual consumer journeys:
rule based attribution
Data driven models
touch attribution
A marketing effectiveness measurement technique that takes all of the touchpoints on the consumer journey into consideration and assigns fractional credit to each so that a marketer can see how much influence each channel has on sales
Rule based attribution models
Use predefined rules and logit to assign credit to each touchpoint based on a certain assumption or criteria
A single customer journey (rule based models)
track a single customer journey, Key performance indicator is sales
e.g. organic visit, online ad 1, online ad 2, online event, email offer, referal visit –> money
Last touch attribution (rule based models) (last click)
Attribution looks backward from each conversion to find the last ad that the user saw (or clicked on) prior to the conversion
Limitations of last touch
Mistakes when using last touch to estimate incremental sales
- Other ads may have influenced customer and contributed to the sale
- All sales are treated as incrementail
- Unfairly favours channels that tend to show ads towards the end of path to purchase (such as search ads due to retargeting)
When does last touch work?
Accurate measure of ad response when:
All sales are incremential
–> No sales wuld happen without the advertising
Effect of ads on behaviour is short-lived and ad exposure are spaced out over time
No “assists” from other advertising channels
First touch (first click) attribution: Rule based models
Attrubution looks backward from each conversion to find the fist ad that teh user saw (or clicked on) prior to the conversion
Linear attribution
Attribution looks backward from each conversion to find each ad that the user saw (or clicked on) prior to the conversion, assigning them equal weight
Position based attribution (rule based models)
Attribution looks backward from each conversion to find each ad that the use saw (or clicked on) prior to the conversion, assigning higher weight to the first and last
Need to decide on what the higher weight is
Commonly seen: 30% or 40% for both first and last
Time decay attribution (rule based models
Time decay attribution looks backward from each conversion to find each ad that the user saw (or clicked on) prior to the conversion, assigning higher weight to more recent ads.
Limitations to rule based attribution
Rule based solutions are inflexible and unable to distinguish between the true low and high impact touch points
Leads to an incaccurate division of credit
Ignores all customers that dont convert
Analys/manager decides the attribution