lecture 12 Flashcards
mobile marketing
any promotional activity that takes place on smartphones and other handheld devices such as tablets.
Examples include:
Apps, push notifications / In-app messaging, personalization
i.e. its more than mobile advartising
App creators care a lot about customer retention
why not just have one control group (cohort comparison)
Control group would change in composition over time
Recent work on Diff in Diff finds this causes problems
Does not include nearest cohort of adopters
Because they might have different behaviour near adoption
bad app quality
consumers wouldnt use it
Usage likely declines after adoption
Theres no evidence of that here
Usage seems to stay constant /increase over time
For searches
(what about other variables)
spending decline is stronger when more apps ont he market. Why?
More competition
Consumers search around
On other apps too
targeting on mobile apps has
causal positive impacts on consumers purchase behavior
Prior purchases attenuate RTT effectiveness sof late stage promotion
Authors argue this is due to privacy concerns
prior purchase amplify RTT effectiveness of early stage promotion
RTT on mobile works, is effective, has positive ROI
Care might be needed when targeting in late stages of purchases if consumers are concerned about privacy
freemium is
a dominant strategy in digital markts
Findings suggest free version leads to higher demand for paid
Rather than cannibalization
Mechanisms at work: sampling and product discovery
Freemium can increase demand for paid versions
does the introduction of a mobile app increase consumer spending
spending across all channels declines by more than 10% after adoption
Stronger decline for third party channels than direct
Bad quality app –> consumers wouldnt use it, usage likely declines after adoption
There is no evidence of that here
usage seems to stay constant/increase over time
for searches
Spending decline is stronger when more apps are on the market (more competition, consumers search around on other apps too)
–> in highly competitive markets (hotels) that does not lead to more spending
Consumers use the app to search
But do so for competing firms too
Likely finding the best deal for them
Which is not always the focal firm .. so spending declines
Does real time targeting lead to more consumer engagement with the firm
Targeting on mobile apps has causal (positive!) impacts on consumers purchase behaviour
Prior purchases attenuate RTT effectiveness of late stage promotion
Authors argue this is due to privacy concerns
Prior purchases amplify RTT effectiveness of early stage development
Implications: RTT on mobile works is effective and has positive ROI
Care mighht be needed when targeting in late stags of purchases if consumers are concerned about privacy
When is offering a free version of an appalongside a paid version effective
Freemium is a dominant strategy in digital markets
Findings suggest free version leads to higher demand for paid rather than cannibalization
mechanisms at work: sampling and product discovery
Implications: Freemium can increase demand for paid versions