Lecture 2 Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the nose
What is the nose made of?
Cartilage and bone
What are apertures?
Apertures are nostrils
What is the nasal septum?
The nasal septum is the bone that divides the nose into two cavity’s.
What are the names of the cavities formed by the nasal septum?
The choanae
Which Epithelial tissue lines the respiratory region of the nasal cavity?
The pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells.
What is the function of the epithelial cells in the respiratory nasal cavity?
The function of the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is to warm and filter inhaled air.
What epithelial cells line the olfactory region of the nasal cavity and what is its function?
The olfactory region has an olfactory mucosa region, which is a mix of ciliated epithelial cells with sensory receptors.
What are the divisions of the nasal cavity?
In the nasal cavity we have :
The vestibule region The respiratory region The olfactory region The auditory region ( opening to ear canal) The nasopharynx region
What Is the conchae?
The Conchae are 3 bony projections in the bone in the nasal cavity that project medially from the lateral walls.
Name the different types of Conchae
The superior Conchae
The middle Conchae
The inferior Conchae
What is the function of the conchae?
The function of the Conchae is to increase surface area for more air to be inspired. They also disrupt fast laminar air flow, which slows air down and gives it a chance to warm up. (Just imagine breathing in alot of cold air)
What is meatus?
The meatus are broad openings that are inferior to the superior Conchae, middle Conchae and inferior Conchae.
What are the different types of meatus?
The superior meatus
The middle meatus
The inferior meatus
What are the different paranasal sinuses?
Frontal sinus Maxillary sinus Anterior Ethmoidal sinus Middle Ethmoidal sinus Posterior Ethmoidal sinus Sphenoidal sinus
Where do the paranasal sinuses drain?
The paranasal sinuses drain in the nasal cavity at different parts depending on where they are located.
What sinus drains into the middle meatus
The frontal sinus drains into the middle meatus.
The maxillary sinus drains into the middle meatus.
The Ethmoidal anterior and middle drain into the middle meatus.
What sinus drains into the superior meatus?
The prosterior ethmoidal sinus drains into the superior meatus.
What drains into the sphenoethmoidal recess?
The sphenoidal sinus drains into the sphenoethmoidal recess.
What is the nasolacrimal duct?
The nasolacrimal duct is the duct that brings tears from the eyes via the lacrimal into the nasal cavity.
What is the kisselbach plexus?
The kisselbach plexus is a vascular network made of 5 arteries that supply the nasal cavity with blood.
What are the names of the five arteries that supply the nasal cavity with blood?
Sphenopalatine artery Anterior Ethmoidal artery Prosterior Ethmoidal artery Greater palatine artery Superior labial artery
What is little’s region?
Little’s region is where all the arteries meet and cross link.
What are the nerves in the nasal cavity?
Olphlamic nerve
Maxillary nerve
Mandibular nerve