Lecture 2 Flashcards
The race to ROI: the key is to
enhance online social experience with
Engaging video content
Livestreaming events
1) Increased acquisition of new customers
2) Increased brand awareness
3) Drive conversions
the main reason for using social media
“Finding funny or entertaining content”
Which ads are most likely to drive purchases?
Useful and entertaining ads
Successful campaigns help create…
…connections between people, or moments of levity and fun
What % of people don’t think brands share interesting content?
Baby boomers boom online
Increased use of social media, digital video, gaming and mobile payments
Increased adoption of online shopping
Increased use of social media, especially Facebook, for brand discovery
Take their hobbies online
Growing social savvy + buying power = opportunities
Social platforms seen as the most effective for reaching business goals?
1) Facebook
2) Instagram
3) LinkedIn
What channels do companies want to increase their investment in?
1) Instagram
2) Facebook
3) YouTube
Integrate social data into the CRM database that will allow you to…
… track social engagement with behaviors
Social performance marketing
Use social media to deliver measurable ROI
Full funnel approach
Attribution model
Purpose-driving Bold brands start in the ____ , not the frontlines of ____.
This helps build credibility.
boardroom, social
Motives for social media activities
1) Affinity
2) Personal utility
3) Contact, comfort & immediacy
4) Altruism
5) Curiosity
6) Validation
Social media marketing
a process that involves identifying opportunities for leveraging social interactivity among consumers in open and flexible social media environments with fast-paced flows of information.
Measured spread
how many times those links were
Some Myths about Social Media:
#1-Social Media is Just a Fad #2-Social Media is Just for the Young #3-There is no Return on SMM #4-SMM Isn’t Right for This Business #5-Social Media is Free #6-Social Media can completely replace traditional media
Relying on any single social media channel
for any particular purpose would be
myopic and ineffective.
Key Properties of a Social Network
Nodes - any entities
Ties -relationships between pairs of nodes
Multiplicity- different types of ties between pairs of nodes
Tie Strength-intensity of ties between pairs of nodes
Interactions -behavior-based ties
Flows -exchange of resources, information, or influence among members of the network
Microblog topic networks
Tight crowds
Social interactions result in the transmission of
from one node (the transmitter) to another node or nodes
(the receiver or receivers)
Focus on probability of a receiver
“retransmitting” info
Social Connectivity
The number of social ties a person has
Higher-connectivity nodes in networks are called
Hub seeding
Target high connectivity nodes in a network and plant a seed
(e.g., a product sample, or a message) in them
Hubs do not necessarily transmit information through their
social ties all the time.