Lecture 19 Flashcards
Correlation coefficient
line fit. di = yi-yfit a = Σ(di)^2 b = Σ(yi-ymean)^2 rvalue = √(1-a/b) correlation coefficient R = 1 → good fit
Linear least squares = line ?
No, linear in its coefficient !
OK if a vandermonde matrix can be written.
Fitting a line {{t1, y1}, …, {tm, ym}}
Overdetermined system Ax = b ([[t1 1],…,[tm 1]] [a b] = [[y1],…[ym]]), A mxn where m>n
In most cases, no exact solution because b∉range(A) and Ax≅b
Least squares
A mxn with m>n. Find x minimising residual r=b-Ax
||Ax-b||_2^2 = (Ax-b).T@(Ax-b)
∇ = 2A.T@(Ax-b) = 0
so A.T@A@x = A.T@b (normal equations)
Minimum because Hessian=2A.T@A is positive definite (symmetric, eigenvalues >= 0)
A matrix least squares
Vandermonde matrix 1 t1 t1^2 ... 1 t2 t2^2 ... ... ... ... 1 tm tm^2 ...
r= ||Ax-b||_2 = ||yfit-y||_2
y = c1 + c2.sin(tΠ) + c3.sin(tΠ/2) + c4.sin(tΠ/4) Value A_{23} ? ti yi .5 .72 1 .79 1.5 .72
sin(t2.Π/2) = sin(Π/2) = 1
Linear least squares solution?
Columns of A linearly independant
rank(A) = n and solution of normal equations unique (A.T@A only positive eigenvalues), otherwise rank(A) less n, A rank-deficient (A.T@A singular) and solution not unique
Cost solve normal equations
A.T@A@x=A.T@b cost A.T@A = mn^2 cost A.T@b = mn factorization A.T@A n^3 (LU 2/3n^3, cholesky 1/3n^3) solve with factorization n^2 Overall cost mn^2 (> n^3 because m>n)