Lecture 18: The hygiene hypothesis: parasitic worms and protection against asthma? Flashcards
What do parasitic worms (helminths) cause?
- Intestinal manifestasions
- General weakness
- Impaired cognitive and physical development
- Uncontrolled inflammation leading to elaphantiasis
What are the symptoms of parasitic worm infections?
None or mild symptoms
How do parasitic worms affect the immune system?
Parasitic worms secrete bioactive molecules, which regulate or dampen down the immune system to ensure their survival for many years and also to reduce inflmmatory responses, which can damage the host
Describe adult hookworms
The worms are about 1cm in length and are attached to the villi of the small intestine
What is the main cause of O. volvulus infection?
The larval microfilaria stage released by the adult female worm.
Where do the adult female worm live?
These live in the skin or migrate into the eye
What do adult female worms cause in the eye?
- Lesions such as sclerosing keratitis
- Blindness
What is onchocerciasis often called?
River blindness because the larvae of the vector blackflies live in fast flowing rivers
What do Schistosoma mansoni cause?
What is schistosomiasis?
- One of the most dangerous paristic worm infections
- The combination of enlarged, irregularly fibrosed liver and greatly enlarged spleen is commonly called “Egyptian hepatosplenomegaly”.
What is a major cause of pathology in schistosomiasis?
Eggs released by adult female worms that may lodge ectopically in any tissues, where they cause characteristic granulomas.
What is adult taenia saginata?
Beef tapeworm - can reach 10m in length
What is adult taenia saginata?
Beef tapeworm - can reach 10m in length
What response do helminths induce?
- Th2 response
- Anti inflmmatory response
What is the Th2 response induced by helminths characterized by?
-Cytokines: IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 (decreased IFN-g) -
mainly derived from T cells (role for ILC2s)
- antibodies: IgE
- Effector cells: mast cells, eosinophils