Lecture 17 Power Flashcards
- Authority and ability to get things accomplished.
- The capacity to get others to do something one wants them to do, that they would not ordinarily do.
- Potential of an individual or group to influence the behavior of others.
Having power gives one the potential to change the _ of individuals and groups.
Attitudes and behaviors.
Legitimate power
- Also called authority; power conferred by title or official position within an organization.
- Creates a feeling of obligation and responsibility.
Expert power
Power gained through knowledge, skill, expertise, or experience.
Referent power
- Power obtained because of identification with a leader or with what that leader symbolizes.
- Gives people a feeling of personal acceptance or approval.
Reward power
- Power derived from the ability to grant rewards or favors to others.
- Gets employees to work toward meeting goals; develops loyalty and devotion to leaders.
Coercive power
- Power based on fear of punishment.
2. A person using this form of power achieves compliance through threats.
Charismatic power
Power derived from attractiveness or charm; a more personal type of power.
Informational power
Power obtained when people have information that others must have to accomplish their goals.
Authority-power gap
- The gap that sometimes exists between a position of authority and subordinate response.
- A wider gap leads to organizational chaos.
Circumstances that bridge the authority-power gap
- Followers believe that the manager is doing a good job.
- Followers believe that the organization has their best interests in mind.
- Followers do not feel controlled by authority.
- Managers get to know their employees.
The size of the authority-power gap is determined by _
Manager status.
Issues that widen the authority-power gap
- Loss of credibility.
- Overusing commands.
- Followers have limited input in decisions.
Issues that decrease the authority-power gap
- Management follows through, is credible.
- Management is trustworthy.
- Followers have authority in decision making.
- Managers take a personal interest in their employees.
- An interactive process that develops, builds, and increases power through cooperation, sharing, and working together.
- Develops leadership, collegial relationships, and self-respect.
- Example: Self-scheduling.
Queen bee syndrome
- Typically exemplified in female-dominated professions (e.g., nursing).
- Marked by a female leader who has struggled to become successful, but once successful, does not assist others in achieving the same success.
Requirements to keep power
- Maintain an adequate authority-power gap (smaller is better).
- Empower subordinates.
- Use authority in a manner that is viewed as necessary - overt displays of authority should be used only as a last resort.
- Use political strategies.
The art of using power effectively.
Requirements of politics
- Clear decision making, assertiveness, accountability, and the willingness to express one’s own views.
- Be proactive rather than reactive.
- Decisiveness.
Response by subordinates to authority is influenced primarily by _
- The legitimate authority of the position.
- The perceived power of the manager.
- Socialization of individuals to power/authority figures.