Lecture 17+18+DLA Flashcards
role of the right hemisphere
communicative and emotional prosody
(stress, timing, intonation)
pragmatics of language
right anterior damage (right hemi)
wrong intonation
right posterior damage (right hemi)
difficulty in interpretation
damage to the right hemi?
pragmatics of language:
difficulty in construction of sentences into a story
difficulty in understanding jokes, sarcasm
Broca’s aphasia
damage to inferior frontal cortex
comprehension of language is normal (spoken and written)
speech content is telegraphic, agrammical
repetition of speech is abnormal
pronunciation of speech is effortful, stuttering, dysarthria
Wernicke’s aphasia
Damage to posterior sector of left auditory association cortex (posterior superior temporal gyrus)
speech rhythm is normal
speech content is abnormal (use of wrong words)
repetition is speech is abnormal
comprehension is very abnormal
can speak fluently, but does not understand what is being said
Gerstmann Syndrome
damage to the angular gyrus
will have left/right confusion, acalculia, finger agnosia, reading issues
Conduction Aphasia
Damage to the arcuate fasciculus
pronunciation of speech is normal
comprehension is usually normal
repetition is speech is abnormal
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
Damage to occipito-temporal-parietal watershed
zone between posterior and middle cerebral artery territories
writing, naming, comprehension of written and spoke is abnormal
speech rhythm is normal
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Damage to frontal watershed zone between middle and anterior cerebral artery territories
pronunciation speech rhythm is non-fluent
writing and naming are abnormal
written speech is normal
the inability to read
Alexia results from disruptions in transfer of visual
information to the areas of the left hemisphere
damage to the splenium (posterior part of CC)
Vascular Dementia
dementia that is due to multiple infarcts caused by cerebral vascular disease
typical patient will have the risk factors for CVD such as hypertension
onset is sudden with a stepwise progression
treatment is preventing further infarcts by treating CVD
Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) or picks disease
earlier onset (40/50) will have emotional disinhibition and personality change
hypometabolism and lobar atrophy of prefrontal and temporal cortices
will have pick bodies when looking at histology
Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)
will have fluctuating cognition/alertness
visual hallucination
mild parkinsonism
will see Lewy bodies in histology
will have a REM sleep disorder eventually
LBD treatments
will use cholinesterase inhibitors these drugs might improve symptoms
do not use antipsychotics or L-dopa.. make symptoms much worse
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia (PDD)
up to 1/2 of those with PD will get dementia
1 year rule
motor first and then dementia = PDD
dementia first then motor = LBD
Prion Disease (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob)
dementia progresses rapidly
death within two years
brain will look spongy… spongiform degeneration
Benign Senescent Forgetfulness
normal cognitive decline that occurs with aging
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Cognitive decline beyond the normal aging process but that does not cause impairment in activities of daily living
Patients with MCI are at increased risk for developing a dementia
due to a psychiatric disorder like depression