Lecture 1+2+DLA Flashcards
fear conditioning
paring an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus to produce the conditioned response of fear
extinction learning
paring the unconditioned stimulus with no conditioned stimulus.. eventually no fear response will occur
contextual fear learning
forming a fear for one thing and not another
ex: red cage vs blue cage
fear learning vs extinction learning in humans
ventromedial prefrontal cortex is suppressed and amygdala is active during fear learning
In extinction learning the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is active and the amygdala is suppressed
contextual fear learning in the brain
Contextual cues signaling threat: Hippocampus up-regulates the amygdala
contextual cues signaling safety: hippocampus down-regulates the amygdala
James-Lange theory of emotion
emotional stimuli cause a physical response which drives subjective feelings
emotional experience is driven by emotional expression
Cannon-bard theory of emotion
Emotional stimuli cause simultaneous physical response and subjective feeling
physiological response and subjective feeling occur at the same time (by the thalamus)
Schachter-Singer theory of emotion
Two-factor theory: Cognitive appraisal and
physiological state interact to give rise to subjective
humans cognitively appraise the emotional situation which then shapes their subjective experience and response… supports the use of CBT
docility loss of fear psychotic blindness hyperorality hyperphagia hypersexuality
memory impairment
lesion of the limbic system
ventromedial frontal lobe
critical role in behavioral monitoring and emotion regulation
Phineas gage
tansorbital Lobotomy or “Icepick” Lobotomy
emotion disinhibition
emotion flattening
decreased goal-oriented behavior
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
aura (Deja vu, sense of fear, false smells/taste) Behavioral automatisms attention/ cognitive symptoms ictal ischemia mood changes
anxiety disorders generally
abnormal when…
elicited by inappropriate cues (or no cues)
excessive in intensity
excessive in duration (more than 6 months)
panic disorder
recurrent and unexpected panic attacks
for more than 1 month someone:
fear of future panic attacks
a significant change in behavior related to attacks
symptoms: cardiac symptoms sweating shortness of breath intense fear fear of dying or losing control feeling detached etc.
fear of two or more of public spaces
ex: using pubic transportation / open spaces
These situations are feared/avoided because of
thoughts that escape might be difficult if embarrassing symptoms arise
often develops with panic disorder; not always
specific phobia
A phobia is an excessive, persistent and disproportional fear of an object or situation
fear is going to occur when exposed to stimulus or avoids
leads to impairment not accounted by different disorder
social anxiety disorder
Excessive, persistent and unrealistic fear of social
situations involving possible scrutiny by others due to
fear of negative evaluation
social situations are avoided or endured with stress
can be specific (like performance anxiety)
Generalized anxiety disorder
Persistent uncontrolled anxiety about multiple events for ≥ 6 months
restlessness, on edge decreased concentration muscle tension fatigue irritability insomnia
separation anxiety disorder
Developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning separation from major attachment figure
person gets very stressed when anticipating or during separation
selective mutism
Refusal to speak in specific situations despite fluent speech in other contexts
refusal to speak is due to anxiety
symptoms have to persist for more than 1 month
Not due to lack of language knowledge or a
communication disorder.
treatment for anxiety disorders
modifying thoughts to change emotion and use exposure techniques to change emotion
try CBT first or do together with drugs
antidepressants: (SSRI)
paroxetine / steraline
GABA agonists
short-term use is better
diazepam / alprazolam