Lecture 15: Adult Acquired Language Disorders Flashcards
“aphasia is an impairment due to acquired and recent damage of the ___, of the ability to comprehend and formulate ___”
central nervous system; language
“[aphasia] is a multimodality disorder represented by a variety of impairments in 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___”
- auditory comprehension
- reading
- oral-expressive language
- writing
true or false: aphasia may be explained by dementia, sensory loss, or motor dysfunction
false, it cannot
aphasia is the result of ___ damage to the ___, usually due to interrupted blood flow (aka ischemia)
focal; cerebral cortex
which cause of cerebrovascular accident (aka CVA or stroke) is described by the following: rupture of a brain vessel
re: CVA hemorrhage
aneurysm : blood vessel hurts at weak part of wall :: ___ : abnormal connection between veins and arteries
arteriovenous malformation (AVM); may lead to aneurysm
which cause of cerebrovascular accident (aka CVA or stroke) is described by the following: may be benign or malignant; affects speech-language and behaviors as structures of the brain experience invasion and pressure
neoplasm (aka tumor)
which cause of cerebrovascular accident (aka CVA or stroke) is described by the following: blocking blood flow through an artery
occlusive mechanisms
re: CVA occlusive mechanisms
___ : thickening-hardening of arterial wall :: thrombus : blood clot :: embolism : ___
arteriosclerosis; blockage of artery via embolus (aka particles or debris in the bloodstream)
expressive vs receptive and fluent vs confluent are ___ classifications
which of the boston classification system has lesions in the frontal operculum* extending to subcortical white matter and adjacent cortical regions of the frontal lobe
broca’s aphasia
which of the boston classification system is characterized by confluent, reduced verbal output, increase effort speaking, dysprosody, and agrammatism (omission of grammatical functor words); apraxia of speech often co-occurs; usually right sided limb weakness
broca’s aphasia
which of the boston classification system has lesions in the posterior superior temporal gyrus; damage to the supramarginal and angular gyrus
wernicke’s aphasia
which of the boston classification system is characterized by fluent aphasia, paraphasic speech, difficulty with auditory comprehension
wernicke’s aphasia
which of the boston classification system has lesions in the arcuate fasciculus, supramarginal gyrus and inferior parietal cortex, and posterior superior temporal gyrus
conduction aphasia
which of the boston classification system is characterized by fluent aphasia, disproportionately poor repetition, frequent phonemic paraphasias, good auditory comprehension
conduction aphasia
which of the boston classification system has lesions involving the perisylvian language zone
global aphasia
which of the boston classification system is characterized by severe expressive and receptive aphasia, nonfluent, few spoken words or recurrent / non words spoken with appropriate inflection
global aphasia
which of the boston classification system has lesions involving the outside-border of the perisylvian language zones and the middle cerebral artery
transcortical aphasia
which of the transcortical aphasias is characterized by very good repetition
transcortical motor aphasia
true or false: transcortical aphasias can be motor, sensory, and mixed