Lecture 15-22 Flashcards
Schalet (2011)
parents interpret the structures they are in, impacts the way they parent their children
Dutch parents: normalize sexuality (sleepover)
American parents: dramatize teenage sexuality (no sleepover)
Despite same class/education/religion/race, why the big difference between these two cultures regarding family
Interdependent individualism (Netherlands) and adversarial individualism (America)
Interdependent individualism
values independence and personal autonomy
Adversarial individualism
collective and family decision rather than individual
Lareau (2003)
parenting styles vary among different class divisions and cultures
unequal childhoods, families, reproduce social class through parenting styles
Conflict theory of parenting styles
parents have certain cultural logics available to them and a s et of ideas that parents can do
everyday parenting skills create social inequalities and reinforces boundaries
Middle Class- conflict theory
concerted cultivation, are seeking to stimulate feelings of optimism
results in entitlement
Working Class- conflict theory
kids should be running around, in kid networks
does not hyper optimize development
does not have access to certain activities compared to middle class
results in constraint
Socialization (Durkeim)
institutions take the shape they do to fulfill a function in society
Socialization (Durkeim): roles of education
education fulfills the need of socialization and teaches them how to fill roles of:
occupational roles
norms and values of society
seeing ourselves as a collective
States that weber would look at education as being a sight of struggle as wealth and status can play a factor
education provides an efficient way of sorting and selecting
appears to be neutral but are efficient tools that benefit power groups and excludes others
Hidden Curriculum
rules and regulations that are not written
Education (Marx)
formulated as a way of reproducing and naturalizing the economic order of labour
teacher: supervisor
desks: in rows
Education and Economic outcomes
affects class and status
what kind of occupational prestige you can obtain
more money you have, the more education you can recieve
Education and Gender
education reinforces gender roles that are established at early stages of socialization
masculine and feminine jobs
even when men and women study the same thing, they have unequal returns
however, time for children could be a factor that sets back income
Differential associations
relations that class positions are given outside of school
networking: friends, family members
given different opportunities
Differential preparation
paying for extra tutors
paying for extra-curricular activities that could boost chances of having an internship
Calarco (2020)
states that there is privilege dependence in education
parents are used as resources: staff as trips and donations
high SES families are not in favour of homework
do not want punishments for their children
puts pressure on children
Calarco solutions
school does not matter at home
excuse for teachers not to do more
parents should be doing more
take away leverage and power
There is a sort of social capital one obtains when they go to school and have access to resources
private schools foster social capital as they bring high SES children together