Lecture 14 - Stem Cells - what's all the fuss? Flashcards
Controversy regarding stem cells can be because of
embryo destruction
“cloning” humans
What percentage of the population regards stem cell use in medical research as acceptable?
But which stem cells - lack of distinction
What percentage of the population regards HUMAN EMBRYONIC stem cell use in medical research as acceptible?
What is the offensive part to the minority that don’t like HE stem cells?
In growing the Inner cell mass (day 6), the embryo is destroyed
Under vic legislation, what options are available for parents to do with their frozen embryos, after they have had enough kids with IVF
extend the storage
donate to another couple
can donate the embryo to research
It is illegal to ..
buy embryos or force couples to donate to reseach
What are the concern about abuse of SCNT technology?
scientists using SCNT to create life to destroy a life (embryo=life)
Can’t SCNT can be used to clone humans
Concerned that women will be exploited by SCNT - forced/able to sell eggs
SCNT will be used to create half humnan/half animal monsters (but not mixing genes)
What is SCNT?
In genetics and developmental biology, somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a laboratory technique for creating a viable embryo from a body cell and an egg cell.
The technique consists of taking an enucleated oocyte (egg cell) and implanting a donor nucleus from a somatic (body) cell.
It is used in both therapeutic and reproductive cloning.
What is an iPS?
Induced pluripotent stem cell
a type of pluripotent stem cell that can be generated directly from adult cells.
is iPS an ethical alternative?
Good for observing how cells behave, how they react to drugs etc…
really exciting area
Therapeutic application - can establish a bank to serve the general population (japan)
BUT, not an alternative - still ethical issues
What is involved in making a iPS-cell mouse?
Two-cell embryo is fused to generate a tetrapoid which then becomes a blastocyst.
This cannot make another mouse. Only when supplimented with iPS cells, will the development be steered into a clone
What do you need to use embryo’s for research in Australia?
Ethics approval and a license
looks at how the participant will be formed
why you need to use SCs? - need to justify, a good check and balance
What is unfortunately happening in stem cell research
Using stem cells with no rationale, demonstrated efficacy or risk assessment
not peer reviewing.
slick website hide bogus treatments and use “clinical trial’ when it’s not a registered trial
What are the hazards of unproven stem cell treatments?
outside clinical trial by non-experts
lack of proven benefit
endorsed by patient testimony
risk of physical harm
financial exploiation
don’t share their data, or publish when things go wrong
diversion from existing therapies
disqualification from future clinical trials (that may happen in Aus in the future)
What do expereinces of Australians travelsing for stem cell traetments entail?
They are considering themselves pro-active
no choice but to travel - Australia has “fallen behind”
Risks defined as financial
high cost - financial and emotional, (but actually your health is ALSO at risk)
What are some side effects of dodgy treatments?
Unexpected growths - even if cells are autologous, when they are in an environment they’re not meant to be in, bad things happen
Deaths have happened - usually to people who are really ill
What unproven Stem cell treatments are being offered in Aus?
usually liposuction - $9,000+
Also, peripheral blood - offered for osteoarthritis, autism, MS< MND
marketed as medical practise
What is the loophole that allows these to exist?
The fact that it is the patients own cells - the legislation is only to do with donor cells