Lecture 14: Personality Flashcards
Psychologists measure personality in many ways, one common example:
places people on an extrovert / introvert continuum
- 10 being introvert
- 0 being extrovert
- external focus
- energy gained from stimulation
- think broadly
- internal focus
- energy gained from quiet contemplation
- introverts think deeply
Whether you are an extrovert or introvert determined by:
- differences in the brain (brain chemistry)
- introvert have longer acetylcholine pathway
- extrovert have shorter dopamine pathway
Stanley Milgram (1960’s) :
- experiments of obedience
- people genuinely believed they were giving people electric shocks that were damaging/ lethal but continued as a man in white coat told them to
Personality axed used by psychologists:
- extroversion
- dominance
- dependability
- Emotional stability
- Agreeableness
- Openness
Definition of personality as used by those studying animal behaviour and interested in evolution:
Non-random, individual behavioural specialisations.
Alternative terms: ‘behavioural syndromes’, ‘coping styles’, ‘axes’, ‘constructs’…
Personality is affected by
both environmental + genetic factors
nature vs nurture
Environmental affects on personality
- birth order
- social contact
Birth Order:
controversial: 21/23 first astronauts into space were first borns
- First-borns – conscientious, responsible, leaders, seek approval from authority?
- Last-borns – outgoing, rebellious, social, spoiled? (scientific revolutionaries?)
Social contact:
Harry Harlow 1940’s & 50s investigated & showed that baby monkeys needed maternal attention to develop normally
- John Bowleys ‘attachment theory’
- likely to be same for humans: Romanian orphans kept in poor conditions had various problems when older
sex differences in personality come from
sex differences in the brain (difference in neural anatomy) some regions differ in size between males and females and may have functional adaptations + hormones
Genetic factors can be studied using
twins, although there may be subtle differences in even monozygotic twins due to differences in uterine environment. If personality is genetically determined then monozygotic twins should have perfect correlation in peronsality score. whether or not they were reared together. Dizygotic should = 0.5 & unrelated should = 0. ISNT THE CASE, ISNT COMPLETE MATCH = ENVIRONMENT
INAH-3 (in the hypothalamus) controls sexual behaviour and is
2-3 times greater in males
SG (in prefrontal cortex) is associated with social cognition
and is 10% greater in females
tend to be larger in males as Males tend to defend larger territories. NOT as sex based different, just depends on how selection has operated
hippocampus in brown headed cow-bird
-females have larger hippocampus as they’re under stronger selection pressure to remember their way round environment because of breed parasitic lifestyle. Size depends on depends on ecology and behaviour
Testing for intelligence in chickens
- early studies tested things like colour, counting etc.
- where give males task to determine which females are fertile & which are infertile and they show fantastic powers of discrimination.
Tests must reflect what is likely to be important
Sapolsky’s work shows:
the link between personality, social status and physiological stress
Personality in great tits:
FAST: bold, aggressive, unphased by novel challenges & more competitive and survive better when resources are scarce
SLOW: shy, reserved, cautious about novel challenges & do better when resources are abundant
Selection fluctuates from year to year as resource availability varies
Organisms that are liked to be studied for personality
chimps, apes, baboons