Lecture 14 - human reproductive behaviour Flashcards
why is the application of evolutionary theory to human reproductive behaviour a controversial area of research?
- cultural influences
- ethical difficulties of conducting experiments to test hypotheses
what is evolutionary psychology (aka sociobiology)?
-The study of the effects the genes on human behaviour
describe the controversies of sociobiology?
- Simplistic arguments over behaviours - hard to test
- Eugenics, apartheid, etc - originally thought to be scientific arguments - nazis etc - highlights differences between groups
what is life history theory?
natural selection should synchronize senescence of somatic and reproductive functions
what human function does not fit the life history theory?
menopause - loss of reproductive potential and long post-reproductive life
How common is menopause?
extremely rare - only in humans and pilot and killer whales
what are the 2 hypotheses to explain menopause?
1) mother hypothesis
2) grandmother hypothesis
what is the mother hypothesis?
Avoid risky reproduction and
mortality in later life and ensure survival of existing offspring (own benefits)
is there evidence for the mother hypothesis?
life history data on pre-modern Finns and Canadians shows that beyond the age of weaning, offspring fitness was not adversely affected by maternal death, presumably due to compensation by remaining family members
what is the grandmother hypothesis?
Kin selection – gain inclusive fitness by helping existing offspring to reproduce (benefits to your offsprings offspring rather than own)
what did the study on pre-modern finns find about the grandmother hypothesis?
the number of grand-offspring a woman has is correlated with her post-reproductive lifespan. The presence of a mother is associated with higher fecundity and higher Lifetime Reproductive Success of sons and daughters via earlier reproduction of offspring, shorter birth intervals and better survival of grandoffspring. These effects are most apparent when the grandmother is local (<20km away)
why may the grandmother hypothesis not be the complete answer?
Kin-selected benefits of ‘helping’ don’t outweigh benefits of continued reproduction
what did cant & johnstone suggest about menopause?
suggest menopause ALSO driven by reproductive competition between mother and daughters (in-law)
are siblings helpers?
- Overall, fitness increased by older opposite-sex siblings, but reduced by older same-sex siblings
- so NO
are aunts and uncles helpers?