lecture 13 turning light into bioelectricity Flashcards
how does the sensory system work
1) information is conducted along neural pathways to dedicated sensory areas of brain
2) code is processed and interpreted by brain
what does the sensory system do
creates perception of world around us *but some things arent processed like uv light and high pitched sounds
what is the sensory system
how the nervous system detects and converts information from the environment to a neural code
what is the sensory system broken into
the 5 senses: touch, smell, see, taste, hear
touch, stretch, proprioception
somatosensory system
who used electrical mapping to find the motor and somatosensory systems
wilder penfield
knowing where your limbs are, pain, temperature
which cells have sensory receptors
dorsal root ganglion cells in spinal cord that send info to brain once it’s received from sensory receptors (like 1a axon in myotatic stretch reflex)
what percent of the cortex is visual processing
what does vision give us information about
shape, color, texture, direction, speed, and location
why is the visual system the most studied system
1) visual stimuli is easy to control
2) acuity- ability to distinguish between two nearby points (Snellen chart)
how is the eye like a camera lens
the image passes through both and causes an inversion (backwards and flipped upside down)
why is the image inverted in the eye
The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the pupil, which is surrounded by the iris – the coloured part of the eye. Because the front part of the eye is curved, it bends the light, creating an upside down image on the retina. The brain eventually turns the image the right way up.
how does the eye focus
contraction of lens by ciliary muscle
how is a camera’s apeture and diaphram like an iris
limits light coming in- in dark, contracts iris for smaller pupil but in light dilates for less light in
how is film (image sensor of a camera) similar to the photoreceptors in the retina
they both cover most of the back (retina covers back of eye)
optic nerve function
It transmits sensory information for vision in the form of electrical impulses from the eye to the brain
difference between eye and camera
eye’s image sensor doesnt have uniform sensitivity
dynamic sensitivity to light (retina gets tired very quickly)
what is the visual field
entire visual space viewed by retina when eye is fixated straight ahead
label these
- Cornea. Outermost transparent layer of eye. Begins focusing process.
- Pupil. Opening to the inner eye.
- Iris. Controls size of puil.
- Lens. Focuses image of object (on retina).
- Retina. Contains cells that detect light.
- Ciliary muscle. Controls shape of the eye.
- Optic Nerve. Transmits information to the brain.
what is the degree each eye can see
about 150 degrees
what part of our vision do we see clearest in
center of vision
the part of the visual field seen by both eyes (binocular area) is located…
primarily on the temporal portion of both retinas
how is the retina ordered
laminar organization
two kinds of photoreceptors
rods and cones
name and function
Rod cells are stimulated by light over a wide range of intensities and are responsible for perceiving the size, shape, and brightness of visual images. They do not perceive colour and fine detail, tasks performed by the other major type of light-sensitive cell, the cone.
name and function
Cone cells are one of the two types of photoreceptor cells that are in the retina of the eye which are responsible for color vision as well as eye color sensitivity; they function best in relatively bright light, as opposed to rod cells that work better in dim light.
three main regions of photoreceptors
outer segment with disks (stacks of membrane with receptors)
inner segment/cell body with organelles
synaptic terminal (no action potential, cells really short so graded potential doesnt dissipate with distance)
what do photoreceptors do
absorb light and connect convert to a chemical signal
then convert again into a chemical signal at the terminal
what is rhodopsin
a GPCR in rods that is retinal gated
what does light do to rhodopsin
converts 11-cis retinal (the ligand in rhodopsin) to all-trans retinal
where is rhodopsin located
it’s a membrane protein located in the disk membrane of the outer segment