lecture 10 postsynaptic Flashcards
method of removing neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft through
transporters located the presynaptic termina
where neurotransmitter is taken
up by glia may occur instead (or in addition)
Enzymatic breakdown
there are enzymes in the synaptic cleft that break down
neurotransmitter molecules so they are no longer able to bind to postsynaptic
Excitatory synapse
a synapse where the release of neurotransmitter increases the
likelihood that the postsynaptic neuron fires an action potential. Usually by bringing the
membrane potential closer to or beyond the threshold potential
type of neurotransmitter receptor in the
postsynaptic membrane, also known as
inotropic receptor, where the binding of
a neurotransmitter molecule, causes
the opening of a channel and allows
ions to flow through the channel
Ligand-gated ion channel
Acetylcholine (ACh)
the excitatory
neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular
junction (NMJ)
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR)
type of synaptic receptor at the NMJ,
located on the muscle. NMJ AChR are
ligand-gated ion channels that
desensitize and are activated by
nicotine so sometimes referred to as a
nicotinic AChR or nAChR. This channel,
when opened, permits the flow of Na+
and K+ currents.
competitive antagonist for nAChRs that are purified from snake
venom. α-bungarotoxin specifically binds to and blocks the receptor
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
a transient depolarization of the membrane
potential as a result of the activation of an excitatory chemical synaptic. An EPP is an EPSP at
the NMJ. An EPSP typically has a fast rise and a slower decay and is typically at least 10 ms
(all the way up to 100-200 ms) in duration
Reversal potential (VRev)
membrane potential where the net current through an open ligandgated ion channel (or receptor) would be zero. Depends on the permeability of the channel to
different ions and the equilibrium potential for those ions. For example the reversal potential at
the NMJ is ~ -10 mV because the conductance of sodium equals the conductance of
potassium through the nAChR
property of some ligand-gated ion channels such that if they are open for a
long time, they will desensitize or close even though neurotransmitter molecules may still be
bound to the receptor. Typically, AChRs and AMPA receptors desensitize
major neurotransmitter at excitatory synapses in the central nervous system
AMPA receptor
glutamate-gated ion channel. Typical AMPA receptors desensitize, are
permeable to Na+ and K+ but impermeable to Ca2+. Has fast rise and decay times. AMPA
channels are the most common receptor type in the brain
NMDA receptor
glutamate-gated ion channel, that is also voltage dependent. Mg2+ blocks
the receptor unless depolarization pushes the Mg2+ out of the pore. Typical NMDA receptors
do not desensitize, are permeable to Na+ and K+ and Ca2+. NMDA receptors also have slower
rise and decay times than AMPA receptors. NMDA receptors are important in learning and
synaptic plasticity
Describe the structure of an acetylcholine receptor (AChR), including what makes it
selective to cations and how it differs from a voltage-gated sodium channel