Emperor Hadrian
- 76-138 CE
- Rebuilt Pantheon
When was pantheon rebuilt
118-128 CE
Where was the Pantheon built?
Marshy, unstable Earth- gave it a supporting problem
What was used to support it?
Foundation ring made of travertine pieces in layers,
these layers were held together by mortar of lime and pozzolan
What is travertine
- type of stone
- not affected by weather changes
- porous (can soak up water in times of flood)
Pozzolan preparation
- local volacanic sand + water ——> strong mortar
- this strong mortar binds to give a strong compression bearing material
- before mixing with water (romans):
pozzelano + lime (2:1)
- ash + water + quicklime = pozzolanic reaction named after pozzuloi in bay of naples
- lot of heat porduced, there should less water (to prevent cooling)
Problem with standard concrete
- degradation begins as soon as it is placed
- CaOH by product is created that creates problems
Benefits of Pumice Pozzolan
- Enhances long-term compressive strength.
- prevents chloride attack.
- high resistance to sulfate attack
- eliminates destructive ASR.
- Reduces heat of hydration.
- Increases abrasion resistance.
- Greatly reduces permeability.
- self healing
- Improves durability.
Modern Concrete
- Prepared in large watery batches
- Mechanically mixed
- the pour can be discontinuous
- concrete is held in place by steel rods
- large vibrators prevent water from reaching the top.
Roman Concrete
- Prepared in smaller batches
- Hand mixed
- Pour has to be continuous
- minimal water
- when poured, heat is generated which catalyzes the bond and minimizes weigh.
They are the shallow rectangular columns attached to the wall
visual impression of strength and structure
Used to frame niches and aedicules
Small spaces to hold statues of deities
Smaller niches
Semicircular architectural feature with seating
Imaginary line that organizes the Pantheon’s symmetry and orientation