Lecture 13: Gene Expression Flashcards
Why does the regulation of genes matter
- helps us get from fertilized eggs, to a clump of non-specialized cells, to complex organisms (via cell cycle)
- differentiation
Gene Similarity: Humans and Monkeys
- explains why we have great genetic similarity with monkeys but are still very different species
i.e. Human and Gorilla are 98% genetically similar (98% of the genome is similar)
All somatic cells are
are genetically identical
So how can cells be different
cells express various combinations of genes
= makes them different from each other (gene expression)
How is gene expression controlled
- transcriptional regulation
additional controls:
- posttranscriptional
- translational
- post translational
Gene Expression for Prokaryotes
Prokaryotic gene expression reflects life history:
- rapid, reversible response to environment (hence they have to produce the appropriate proteins fast)
The operon and what regulates it
Operon: A cluster of prokaryotic genes and DNA regulatory sequences
- RNA polymerase binds at promoter for operon (cluster of genes including genes to be transcribed and regulator sites (i.e. promoter))
- Many genes may be transcribed into 1 mRNA
- Cluster of genes is transcription unit (transcribed all together at once)
- Operator: short segment that is a binding sequence for a regulatory protein
- regulatory DNA sequences in operon
1) Repressor proteins
2) Activator proteins
genes seperate from the operon will encode the regulatory proteins
Repressor Protein vs Activator Proteins
repressor proteins: prevent operon genes from being expression (don’t transcribe genes)
activator proteins: turn on expression of genes from operon
- activates transcription and allows it to work
- lactose metabolism in E. coli (requires lacZ,lacY,lacA)
- lac operon contains all three genes and regulatory sequences (prokaryotes have this)
- Lac operon OPERATOR sequence is between the promoter and lacZ
where is the operon
between promoter and first gene of transcriptional unit
lac Z codes for
What about Y? A?
Z- B-galactosidase (breaks lactose down to glucose, galactose and isomer into allolactose=regulates operon)
Y- permease (lets it in cell (transport))
A- transacetylase (lets it in the cell (transport))
lac repressor
- codes for proteins, that, when it binds to the operator, it turns off the transcription of genes
- lac operon: codes for metabolism of lactose
encoded by regulatory gene: lacI
- can immediately bind operator region
lac Operon E. coli
- not present
- active lac repressor binds to the operator of the lac operon to BLOCK transcription
what happens when lactose is absent
- Lac repressor
- stops lac operon expression (bc prokaryotes shouldn’t be making enzymes for digestion of lactose, costs them energy)
- encoded by lacI, synthesized in active form (3D structure that can easily bind to operator sequence)
- binds operator
- prevents transpcription
Purpose of binding operator
(lactose is not present)
- ## lac repressor will bind to the operator to turn off RNA polymerase, prevents it from transcribing lac operon
What happens when lactose is present
- ALLOCATOSE: made from lactose
- Inducer of lac operon by binding to Lac Repressor causing a conformational change so it can’t bind to operator DNA
- RNA polymerase can bind to promoter and transcribe 3 genes
- Inducible operon because inducer increases expression
NEGATIVE- Unless its there its turned off
- INDUCER: lac operon binding to Lac repressor
- INDUCIBLE OPERON: bc inducer inreases expression
Positive regulation for lac operon
- lac operon operators when lactose but not when glucose is on? Why”
- glucose more efficient energy than source of 2n^2
however, cells express lac operon strongest w/o glucose and w/ lactose
The lac operon is considered negative regulation because its expression is primarily controlled by the lac repressor
Catatbolite Activator Protein
- activator protein
- binding site is on DNA, and it bends the DNA to make the promoter more accessible to RNA polymerase and transcription increases
- synthesized in an inactive form that can bind to DNA only after its activated by binding with cyclic AMP
makes it positive
cylic AMP-a nucleotide that plays a role in regulating cellular processes in prokaryotic + eukyarotic cells
What happens when lactose is present and glucose is absent/low
- cAMP levels are high
- cAMP binds to CAP, activating it
- active CAP binds to the CAP site and recruits RNA polymerase (increasing gene expression) to the promoter, transcription then occurs to turn the operon ON
active CAP
cAMP-CAP complex binding to the CAP site (activated w/ cAMP)
- incerases transcription of lac operon
- RNA polymerase is more recruited and stabilized w/ increased gene expression
What happens when lactose is present and glucose is present
- shift to using glucose, so turn off lac operon to prevent enzymes for lactose from being produced (very low transcription of lacZ)
- cAMP levels are low and remains inactive because of high glucose (glucose inhibits)
- CAP is inactive and cant bind to the CAP site, RNA polymerase is unable to bind to the promoter and no transcription occurs
- ## not enough to produce enough enzymes to break lactose down creates a OPERON LOW LEVEL
high glucose=decreases allolactose bc lactose is low
Whenever glucose is low…
inhibition of lactose will be low
- cAMP will be activated and levels are high enough to activate CAP
- RNA polymerase can bind
Overall, the level of transcription is lower than when lactose is absent but higher than when lactose is present and glucose is absent
CAP is part of preferential TX of lactose over glucose
trp Operon genes
- five genes (trpA-E) needed for the synthesis of tryptophan by trp operon (where those 5 genes are coded for)
- trp repressor encoded by trpR elsewhere in genome
- Trp repressor synthesized in inactive form (default for trp repressor)
why is trp inactive by default
-default state is expression bc trp repressor in inactive
trp repressor is activated by presence of tryptophan
- trp operon is repressible operon (operon is turned off when tryptophan is available, because prokaryotes don’t want to waste energy on making it if its readily available)
- tryptophan is the corepressor- regulatory molecule that combines w/ repressor to activate it and shut off operon
expression of trp operon ctrlled by trp repressor
lac and trp operons both exhibit what type of gene regulation
- opposite pathways
LAC: repressor synthesized in active form, inducer is present and binds to repressor and inactivates it
operon is then transcribed
TRP:repressor is synthesized in inactive form, when corepressor is present it binds to the repressor and activates it, the active repressor blocks transcription of the operon
what happens when tryptophan is absent
- Trp repressor is inactive (default, can’t bind to initiator) in binding to the operator and transcription proceeds
- RNA polymerase binds and transcribes operon
what happens when tryptophan is present
- the amino acids binds to and activates the Trp repressor
- The active repressor binds to the operator and blocks transcription
Tryptophan and Trp Repressor (active)
= bind and undergo conformation change
- binding would prevent RNA polymerase from binding to operator
Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Gene Expression in eukaryotes has more regulatory points
- more complex
- no operon
- genes are scattered (multiple linear chromosomes)
- chromatin has histones (determines level of condensation on chromosomes)
- different types of cells
- nuclear envelope
(separates chromosomes with genes from rest of cell)
review: site of transcription and translation
transcription: in nucleus
translation: cytoplasm