Lecture 13 9/27/24 Flashcards
What is a clean operative wound?
non-traumatic, non-inflamed operative round in which the resp., GI, oropharyngeal, genital, and urinary tracts are not entered
Which procedures fall into the clean category?
-exploratory laparotomy
-elective neuter
-total hip replacement
What is a clean-contaminated operative wound?
operative wound in which the resp., GI, oropharyngeal, genital, and/or urinary tract is entered in a controlled condition without unusual contamination
Which procedures fall into the clean-contaminated category?
-live fetus c-section
What is a contaminated operative wound?
procedure in which GI contents or infected urine is spilled, or a major break in aseptic technique occurs
Which procedure is an example of the contaminated category?
cystotomy with presence of infected urine
What is a dirty operative wound?
procedure in which a viscus is perforated, or presence of purulent discharge or fecal contamination occurs
Which procedures fall into the dirty category?
-excision of abscesses
-bullae osteotomy for otitis media
What should be done when contamination occurs during a surgical procedure?
-begin by using moisturized gauze sponges to remove gross contamination
-perform lavage
-remove lavage fluid and remaining contaminants with poole suction
What is the bacteria count required for infection to occur?
10^5 bacteria per gram of tissue
What is the risk of surgical site infection with each operative wound classification?
clean: 2 to 4.8%
clean-contaminated: 3.5 to 5%
contaminated: 4.6 to 12%
dirty: 6.7 to 18.1%
What are the characteristics of a superficial incisional surgical site infection?
-occurs within 30 days of surgery
-infection of the skin or subcutaneous tissue
What are the criteria for a superficial incisional surgical site infection?
-pain/tenderness, redness, heat, and/or localized swelling
-positive culture from aseptically obtained fluid from the wound
-purulent discharge
What are the characteristics of a deep incisional surgical site infection?
-occurs within 30 days of surgery if no implant used
-occurs within 1 year of surgery if implant is present and infection relates to operation
-infection of the fascia or muscle
What are the criteria for a deep incisional surgical site infection?
-localized pain/tenderness, redness, heat, and/or localized swelling
-purulent discharge
-deep abscess