Lecture 12: Retinal disease Flashcards
Describe the blood supply of the retina:
Central retinal artery supplies internal retina.
AV crossings
Avascular foveal zone
Choroid vessels
What are the signs of retinal vascu,ar disease?
- Vascular changes – arteriolosclerosis, AV crossing changes,
venous tortuosity - Microaneurysms
- Haemorrhages
- Hard exudates
- Cotton wool spots
- Neovasclarisation
What are some vessel wall changes you might see on a fundoscope?
Arteriolar attenuation
AV crossing changes
ARterial dilation and tortuosity
What causes dot and blot heamorrhages?
Dot & blot haemorrhages – middle compact retinal layers –
diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy
What causes retinal flame heamorrhages?
Flame-shaped haemorrhages – superficial nerve fibre layer –
vein occlusion
What causes pre-retinal heamorrhages?
Pre-retinal haemorrhages – between posterior hyaloid face
and retina – trauma, Valsalva manouvre, neovascularisation
Name these
Dot and blot haemorrhages
Flame shaped haemorrhages
Pre retinal haemorrhage
What causes these roth spots?
Heamotological conditions
Whats this? what causes this?
Cotton wool spots
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Leukemias
- Infective - HIV
What conditions cause retinal neovascularisation?
- Diabetes
- Retinal vein occlusion
- Retrolental fibroplasia
- Sickle-cell disease
- Inflammatory diseases
What are the signs of retinal degeneration or dystrophy?
- Drusen
- Atrophy
- Pigmentation
- Scarring
What can elevate the retina?
- by fluid – retinal detachment
- by solid mass - tumours
- Choroidal neovascularisation