Lecture 12: Representation Flashcards
Median voter theorem
Politicians compete for the policy position of the middle voter
5 reasons why parties do not in practice converge to the median voter
- Low turnout
- Polarization
- Ethnicity
- Clientelism
- Politicians’ personal policy preferences
Definition: substantive representation
Politicians advocating and implementing their voters’ policy preferences, regardless of their personal characteristics
Problem with substantive representation
Difficult to credibly commit to represent people you do not share certain characteristics with, e.g. men representing women, or the rich representing the poor
Definition: descriptive representation
The politician shares my characteristics and identities
3 reasons Why women might be better at promoting development?
- Increasing human capital by empowering women
- More diverse interpretation of freedom
- Bringing in outsiders to change the current system
3 countries with greatest amount of women in parliament
Rwanda, Bolivia, Cuba
How does women have different preferences over how government should work
Women value reduction in poverty as well as access to healthcare and water more than men
Women and corruption
Women elected as mayors in Brazil are 29-35% less corrupt, use clientelism less, and reduce premature births by 1% point
Women and social accountability
In Africa, female leaders empower women to be more engaged, talk about and show interest in politics, contacting representatives
If women are less corrupt, do they have electoral support?
No, women elected as Brazilian mayors are only half as likely to be reelected (less clientelism and corruption) and they receive less financial support for reelection and are discriminated against
What are the 2 short-cut ways to change norms against women politicians?
Quotas and affirmative action
How has quotas affected female leaders in India positively?
More investments in water provision and roads as well as protecting property rights for women, less on education
Girls and their parents are more ambitious regarding their future
4 disadvantages to using gender quotas in India
- Female candidates are less likely to run in unreserved seats, affectively segregating genders
- Powerful husbands control their elected wives
- Backlash from men resisting empowered women, leading to violence and more murders
- Reinforcing a gender identity cleavage
3 ways that party systems can affect development
- Number of parties: two-party system best compromise between responding quickly (dominant party best) and having long-term, credible policies (multi-party system best)
- Stable, organized, disciplined, programmatic parties that are rooted in society (=institutoinalized) oversee faster economic growth and implement loans more effectively than personalist, elite, clientelist parties that are vehicles to power. Leads to clearer accountability and less short-term bias
- If parties compete all all constituencies nationally, they are more likely to invest in public goods than regionalist parties
4 ways to change the party system of a country
- Changing the electoral rules (majoritarian elections -> two parties)
- Shocks such as democratization, corruption scandals
- Development (richer, more educated voters reject clientelism and personalist parties)
- Leadership and new coalitions