Lecture 1: What is development? Flashcards
What is politics?
How public decisions are made - who gets what, when how
4 types of development
Economic (GDP), political (democracy), social (healthcare, education), subjective (wellbeing, happiness)
Definition: Modernization theory
Progress is a linear transition from the same ‘traditional’ start to the same ‘modern’ end
What 3 things does Modernization theory focus on increasing?
GDP per capita, urbanization, education
Sen’s development as freedom - freedom to do these 5 things:
- Participate in politics
- Engage in economic transactions
- Social opportunites through healthcare and education
- Transparency during interacitons
- Security of life
According to development as freedom, what 5 things limit freedom?
- Poverty
- Violence/repression
- Poor public services
- State restrictions on activities
- Lack of opportunities
According to development as freedom, why does freedom matter intrinsically and instrumentally?
Intrinsically: freedom in itself matters
Instrumentally: freedom promotes other freedoms
According to modernization theory, development is not about trade-offs but about
How does resources turn into functionings?
Resources/commodities are converted into freedoms and capabilities which are converted into functionings (what to do with capabilities)
Freedom =
Capabilities (e.g. positive notion of freedom), freedom is your ability and opportunity to do/be things
Definition: Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs - Bruntland Commission 1987
Strong vs. weak sustainability
Strong: natural capital does not fall
Weak: the sum of natural and physical capital does not fall, meaning we long as we produce enough stuff to replace the natural capital we use, it’s sustainable
The Kuznets curve
Shows a turning point in development and technology where first the environment worsens and then it improves
4 post-development critiques
- The discourse of ‘development’ makes people think of themselves as underdeveloped - rejecting modernization theory, maybe we are not meant to all end up in the same place
- ‘Development’ is an imposition of power and hierarchy from the West, being used as a weapon of the cold war and post-colonialism and “planned poverty” that the West benefits from
- Development has failed on its own terms because of rising inequality
- Development industry is reliant on the continuation of poverty and thus have no real incentive to eradicate poverty
For Sen, how do we in a society/country choose which freedoms matter?
Democracy, but this is difficult for authoritarian states
How is freedom and development a conflict?
It’s the conflict between people who value different dimensions of development - everyone values things differently and needs different things to develop
The ‘development’ route to sustainability
Rapid technological innovation due to economic growth will help us solve problems like climate change. Wealth and educated makes us better able to tackle problems
E.g. Kuznets curve
The ‘sustainability’ route to development
Tackling environmental challenges will stimulate new innovations and investments, so we should promote green investments
4 reasons it’s hard to measure development?
- Measuring development means frequently measuring many factors and freedoms
- Lack of data collection capacity in the countries that matter the most
- Challenging to find representative data on vulnerable people
- Hard to attribute progress to a specific policy when many things change at the same time
What does the Human Development Index measure?
Education, health, and income
What does the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) measure?
The percentage of the population who are poor in at least a third of the 10 indicators
What does the ecological footprint measure?
Sustainable development, e.g. how much biologically productive area it takes to provide for all the competing demands of people” (1.75 earths would be required to support current activities)
When comparing HDI and ecological footprint
There are no countries with high HDI who are also sustainable
What has recent development on poverty achieved?
Decrease in income poverty worldwide, but poverty increasing in Sub-Saharan Africa