lecture 12- recovery Flashcards
not enough rest=
not enough recovery, can’t handle a higher load next time!!!
with appropriate rest we see
an increase in workload capacity
marginal gains
1% increase in every single component (equipment, wind tunnel testing, hot pants…)
added together= major results
goals of recovery
after exercise:
fuels and fluids lost must be replaced
body temp and regular cardiovascular functions must be restored
damaged tissue repaired
How to determine intensity
TSS (training stress score)
RPE x duration= GOLD standard
–> don’t wan’t to increase any of these factors by more than 10% each week
How do we measure recovery?
clinical: look at blood samples
-blood pressure
-blood lactate
(not lactic acid!!!)
-creatine kinase
-hormone levels
omega wave
nervous system
- parasympathetic
-sympathetic= fight or flight= bad
who is responsible for monitoring athlete response to training?
how can athlete’s measure their own recovery?
quality of sleep
morning resting HR
morning bodyweight
daily rating of fatigue levels
why is active recovery good?
keeping the blood circulating removes lactate from blood
how intense should active recovery be?
between 80-100% of their lactate threshold
too low= not removing lactate
too high= accumulating more lactate
Mechanism of massage therapy
dilation of blood vessels
tissue warmth
remove metabolic byproducts
improved mood
**PERCEIVED level of improvement
how do massage devices work (massage guns..)
allow tissues to slide past eachother
*perceived level of improvement
How does acupuncture help recovery?
gate control theory= nerves meet at the spinal cord so pressure of needle competes w pain signals
augmentation theory= raising hormone levels, WBC…
endorphin theory= increases body’s natural response
neurotransmitter theory= increases uptake of neurotransmitters
circulation theory= impacts dilation and restriction of certain blood vessels
acupuncture study on treadmill
lower HR, lower blood lactate post-exercise
BUT strong placebo in these studies
Nutrition: recovery
refueling glycogen stores
(0.7-1.2g per kg bw each day)
–> consume a post exercise carb snack!! (1-1.2g carbohyrates)
making new muscle protein, RBCs…
replace fluids and electrolytes
How do carbohydrates help the immune system?
cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormone) are released post exercise
= more susceptible to illness/lower immune system for up to 72 hours after session
–> consuming carbs post exercise= immune protection
rate of protein synthesis increases by — 4 hours after exercise
how to maximize protein synthesis?
4:1 ratio of carbs to protein,
15-25g protein in 1st hour after exercise
bodyweight fluid loss of –% of more…
of 2% or more results in physiological changes that affect aerobic output
ahtletes should consume —% of their estimated fluid loss —-hours after exercise
4-6 hours after
how to monitor urine loss?
body weight
urine colour
nutritional interventions for reducing muscle damage after exercise? (good evidence)
black current extract. tart cherry juice, beet root juice, branched chain amino acids
Nutritional interverntions (no evidence for reducing DOMS)
protein supplementation before exercise
vit C
vit E
Incidence of low energy availability in athletes
-contributes to REDs and female athlete triad
hot or cold water for recovery
decreases body temp which causes vasoconstriction
–> reduces muscle pain, swelling, muscle spasm, clears metabolites from tissues
is there evidence for cold water immersion?
some evidence for reducing DOMS
no definite evidence for recovery
no evidence for how long
how does cooling for performance work? where would you cool?
hands in cold water= dramatic effect
(we dissipate a lot of heat from hands)
increses tissue temp which causes vasodilation
–> increases oxygen/antibody supply, reduces muscle spasms, clears metabolites
Contrast bath
alternating hot and cold promotes rapid alternation between vasodilation and vasoconstriction
this causes “pumping” action
-decreases blood lactate levels
Hydrotherapy contrast bath protocol (time)
greatest amount of recovery 6-12 minutes
Is hot or cold water immersion more effective?
(perception of fatigue, performance effects, creatine kinase, blood lactate levels)
How does hydrotherapy help sleep?
cool our body w cryotherapy before bed
(body temp decreases at night)
is phase 5 important for recovery?
No! it is REM sleep (dreaming happens at this stage)
recovery does not happen at this stage
most important sleep phase for recovery?
phase 3 and 4
Healthy sleep pattern
fall asleep within 30 min
sleep through the night w brief awakenings
feel refreshed within 1 hour of waking up
How much sleep is needed for adolesceents?
suboptimal= less than 8
borderline= 8 hours
optimal= greater of equal to 9
sleep deprivation and glucose
4 hours per night= deprivation
- glucose is metabolized less efficiently
- borderline diabetic!!
less than 6 hours of sleep= —% more likely to be injured
mental and emotional recovery
-resources if something goes wrong emotionally
-mental toughness/emotional skills
-relaxation techniques
(imagery/visualization, breathing, muscle relaxation)
medical compression garments (20 to 40mm Hg) improves recovery by:
-promoting venous blood flow
-decreasing venous stasis (blood pooling in legs)
-preventing thrombosis in post-op patients (blood clots)
sports compression garments minimum pressure
18 mm Hg at ankle and 8mm Hg at mid thigh
sports benefits of sports compression garments
reducing DOMS and perceived fatigue
higher pressure= more effective
-vertical jump height, jump power, improving circulation, reducing muscle osscilation on impact (muscles jiggle less)
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices
periodic inflation of external cuffs, moving from ankle, calf, knee and thigh
(blood pressure boots that i used!!!!!!!!!!)
Summary: ice bath vs hot bath and recovery oil
ice bath and recovery oil= significant improvements
recovery oil was dish soap!!!!!
how much of recovery is placebo?? does it really matter if it works? mental energy on recovery?