Lecture 12 : global population Flashcards
Demographic equation
r = (b –d) + (i–e)r : rate of population increase b: crude birth rate (CBR; live births/1000) d : crude death rate (CDR; deaths/1000) i: immigration e : emigration
4 demographic measures
Total fertility rate (TFR): Average number of children a woman would have in her child-bearing years (15-44) Replacement fertility rate:Number of children a couple must have to replacement themselves Infant mortality rate (IMR):Number of deaths age 1 or less/1000 Life expectancy (LE): Number of years a person is expected to live at birth
Demographic equation for natural increase
r = (b –d) natural population increase
What does doubling time mean ?
time that is takes for a population to double in size. This only takes in consideration natural increase.
is immigration and emigration relevant in regard to measure how much a population increases or decreases
to. very litttle influence
What are the 4 demographic transitions
1-pre-industrial 2-transitional 3-industrial 4-post-industrial
What does “ crude “ mean in crude birth rate (CBR; live births/1000) d : crude death rate (CDR; deaths/1000)
crude : does NOT take into consideration the age structure
identify the demographic transitions on the graphic
include explainations for birth and death rate
include countries
1) pre-industrial : high birth rate and high death rate
2) death rate decreases, birth rate stays the same
4) post indsutrual birth rate = death rate
1) A few remote groups
2) kenya
3) brazil
4) us, japan, france
5) germany

identify and explain the implication of the of popultion pyramids
age of reproduction
amount of people in the pre-reproductive group compared to the amount of ppl in the reproductive group comapred to ppl in the post reproductive age
nb of ppl reahing their reproductive age
How do we manage population growth ?
1- assume that immigration and emigration have very little impact on the total pop for a country
So birth rate is the pressure point
so there are pro and anti natal policies
2- Fertility rate ( pro or anti )
Policies : 5$ daycare to increase natality.
or Voluntary approach
Later, Longuer, Fewer
Explain relationship btw TFR and education
when educatin increases, TFR decreases,
so the mantra is later, longer fewer = voluntary approach
before, china = 1 kid per couple
now : put the conditions for the woman to make her decision
Still results in fewer births
explain the later, longuer, fewer approach
to decrease fertility rate
later : wait a long time before a woman starts to reproduct
longer: wait in between 2 births
fewer kids
so total fertility rate in endogenous to developemnt process
Explain how total fertility rate is endogenous to development process
conditions like health, education, women rights = in volumtary approcah, in later, longer, fewer , and in the decrease of total fertility rate