Lecture 11: Child maltreatment and its impact on victims Flashcards
Definition of child abuse
- NSPCC 2019
- When a child is intentionally harmed = can be physical, emotion, sexual, online or in person. Can also by a lack of love and attention and practice care
Types of abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual
- Psychological/emotional
- Neglect-emotional, failure to protect
FGM (female genital mutilation)
- Around 200 million world-wide effects
- Culturally sensitive
- Illegal in UK since 1985
- FGM prevention orders to prevent girls being taken out of country
Online abuse
- 44% children aged 5-15 have own smart phone
- 90% 11-16 year olds have social media account
Tech facilitated grooming
- When someone builds a relationship of trust and emotional connection with child or young person so that they can manipulate and exploit them
- Young person can be trafficked, sexually assaulted or exploited
Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
- Involves young person receiving something in return for sexual exchange
- Can involved coercion and threats
- Can give them phones to gain access
- Care home kids more vulnerable
Rotherham CSE scandal
- 1990s and lasted over a decade
- Organised by gangs
- First convictions 2010
- Services failed to act on warning signs
- Minimisation of girls stories
- Most exploitation done by single perpetrator not gang
UK statistics
- Taken from children services, police data on offences, criminal courts and local registers of death due to abuse
- Study looking at adults retrospective experience of child abuse
- Women = abuse more common, except physical abuse
- More men physically abused
- Psychological abuse most common
- Report tends to increase with age of respondents = questions validity
Risk factors for abuse
- Parental factors e.g. poverty, drug abuse, mental health issues
- Environmental factors e.g. overcrowding and non-biological adult in house
- Child factors e.g. age (fatal cases in children under 4), lack of attachment
Theories of abuse
Ecological model:
-Occurs within the wider system
Transitional model:
-Parental views about self and confidence
Transactional model:
-Emphasises interaction of causative factors in bringing about maltreatment and importance of high and low risk characteristics
Ecological transactional model:
-Provides integrated framework that aims to support intervention and social policy
Serious case reviews
- Focussed on number of high profile child deaths
- Studied 95 serious case reviews between 2009-2016
- Found domestic abuse more common factor in 71% of cases
- 48% of cases alleged domestic abuser was not suspect in child death
- Therefore domestic abuse may mask other risks in family
- Most common form of abuse
- On going failure to meet Childs basic needs
- 1 out of 10 children suffer neglect
- Under researched = can see impact of neglect but cant see it occur
- Meta analysis of association between depression and childhood abuse/neglect = found psychological abuse and neglect strongly associated with depression and emotional abuse was most sig predictor, followed by neglect
Effects of abuse on children
Impacts upon:
- Physical health
- Education
- Relationship
- Mental wellbeing
- Has potential to impact across generations
Effects of abuse in childhood on adulthood
Meta analysis in literature review:
-Found effects were mental health issues, substance abuse, somatisation (physical complaint rather than psychological), suicidal ideation, risk of inter-generational cycle of abuse, increase risk of victimisation
ACE (adverse childhood experiences) pyramid
- Scale developed to understand what is going on in child and adult abuse
- Abuse leads to increased emotional and cognitive impairment, adoption of health risk behaviours, increased risk of disability and disease, early death
Systematic review and meta-analysis:
- Having multiple ACE’s = more at risk of range of health problems
- Those factors strongly associated with potential for inter-generational transmission