Lecture 11 and 12 Flashcards
Width of the maxilla
Makes up the lower 1/3 of the orbit and extends all the way to the cervical area of the maxillary teeth
What is contained in infra orbital foreman?
Infraorbital nerve and artery
The interior nasal spine is a part of what bone
an opening, hole, or passage that allows
the passage of nerves and blood vessels
Fossa (singular) (Fossae: plural)
a shallow depression or hollow in a bone
a projection or outgrowth of bone or tissue
a small, rounded projection or protuberance on a bone
a partition separating two chambers
long, narrow, raised strip or elevation on a bone or tissue
large, rounded projection or protuberance on a bone
is a type of joint between the bones of the skull
upper jawbone
lower jawbone
Paired compartments of bone located within the maxilla
Maxillary sinus
The maxillary sinuses are located
Located above the maxillary premolar and molar region
Also known as the “Antrum”
• Air filled cavity
Maxillary sinuses
The maxillary sinuses Appears____ on an pano, and is located superior to the
radiolucent; apices of maxillary posterior teeth
Borders that outline and divide the maxillary sinus, this border is next to the apices of the max molars and premolars and is radiopaque on a pano
Floor of the maxillary sinuses
This can occur when the max posterior teeth are extracted. Antrum increases in size and drops down to the alveolar crest
Pneumatization of maxillary sinuses
Also known as the malar bone
The zygoma
A sharp thornlike projection of bone
A tubelike passageway through bone that contains nerves and blood vessels
A hollow space or cavity or recess in bone
Are fissues radiopaque or radiolucent?
Mastoid process
Styloid process
Glenoid fossa
Articular eminence
Lateral pterygoid plate
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Maxillary tuberosity
Infraorbital foramen
Incisive foreman
Anterior nasal spine
Nasal cavity
Inferior nasal conchae
Nasal septum
Hard palate
Maxillary sinus
Floor of maxillary sinus
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
Zygomatic arch
(The projection)
Infraorbital ridge
Infraorbital canal
Median palatine suture
Incisive foreman
Sigmoid notch
Coronoid process
Mandibular foreman
Mandibular canal
Mental foramen
Hyoid bone
Mental ridge
Mental fossa
Inferior border of the mandible
Internal oblique ridge/ mylohyoid ridge
External oblique ridge
The term lingula is derived from Latin lingua meaning____.
small, tongue-shaped projection of bone
seen adjacent to the
mandibular foramen.
The external oblique ridge is a
linear prominence of bone located on the external surface of the mandible that extends downward and forward from the ramus to the molar region.
The internal oblique ridge is a
linear prominence of bone located on the internal surface of the mandible that extends downward and forward from the ramus.
The mylohyoid ridge is a
linear prominence of bone located on the internal surface of the mandible that extends from the third molar region downward and forward toward the apical area of the premolars.
The mandibular canal is a
tubelike passageway through bone that travels within the body or length of the mandible.
The mandibular canal extends from the
mandibular foramen to the mental foramen
The mandibular canal houses
the inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels.
IAN, inferior alveolar artery, and inferior alveolar vein.
The mandibular canal appears as a
radiolucent band outlined by two thin radiopaque lines representing the cortical walls of the canal.
The mental ridge is a
linear prominence of cortical bone located on the external surface of the anterior portion of the mandible that extends from the premolar region to the midline.
The term periodontal literally means
“around a tooth.”
Periodontal disease refers to
a group of diseases that affect the tissues around teeth.
Healthy gingival tissues appear
stippled, pink, and firm.
Unhealthy gingiva may appear
swollen, red, and bleeding, and formation of soft tissue pockets is seen.
On a dental image, unhealthy alveolar crest is
no longer located 1.5 to 2.0 mm apical to the CEJ and no longer appears radiopaque. Instead, the alveolar crest appears indistinct, and bone loss is seen.
“The periapical image is recommended for the evaluation of periodontal disease” meaning
The author is emphasizing that the entire periodontium must be evaluated
Periodontium refers to
tissues that invest and support teeth, such as the gingiva and alveolar bone.
Lamina dura:
the thin, smooth cortical bone of the tooth socket
Alveolar crest:
The alveolar crest appears as a smooth, intact surface between adjacent teeth.
The normal healthy alveolar crest is located
approximately 1.5 to 2.0 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junctions (CEJs) of adjacent teeth
In the anterior regions, the alveolar crest appears
pointed and sharp and is normally very radiopaque
In the posterior regions, the alveolar crest appears
Rounded or flat and parallel to a line between adjacent CEJs
Periodontal ligament space appears ___on a pano
Radiolucent line between the root of the tooth and the laminate dura
Furcation involvment
bone loss in the furcation area-
the area between the roots of multirooted teeth —may not be detected on a dental image because of the superimposition of buccal and lingual bone
Localized boss loss percentage
Less than 30
Generalized bone loss percentage
More than 30
Types of bone loss
Vertical and horizontal
Type of bone loss
Type of bone loss
Horizontal bone loss