Lecture 11 Flashcards
Fibrous ring
Dose connective tissue
4 - between atria and ventricles
Allows ventricles and atria to contract separately
Anchors the valves
Electrical insulator - bundle of His acts as passageway
Interventricular septum depolarisation
Left to right (left thicker)
P wave
Atrial depolarisation
PR interval
Start of P wave to start of Q wave
Beginning of atrial depolarisation to beginning of ventricular depolarisation
3-5 small boxes 0.12 - 0.2 seconds
Delay at AV node - isoelectric line
Bundle of His spread from atria to ventricles - isoelectric line
q wave
Depolarisation of the intervertebral septum (left to right)
Small downwards depolarisation - move obliquely away
R wave
Depolarisation of the free ventricular walls and apex
Large upwards deflection
S wave
Depolarisation spreads to ventricular bases
Downwards deflection
T wave
Ventricular repolarisation
From base to apex to positive electrode
Upwards deflection
No QRS complex
AV block - Heart block
QRS complex
Depolarisation of ventricles
10 electrodes - 4 limb 6 chest 12 views (leads)
C1 electrode
Right of sternum - Ruth intercostal space
C2 electrode
Midclavicular line - 4th intercostal space
C3 electrode
Halfway between V2 and V4
C4 electrode
Midclavicular line - 5th intercostal space
C5 electrode
Level with C4 at left anterior axillary line
C6 electrode
Level with C5 at left mid axillary line
V1 - V4
Antero-septal leads
Lateral leads
Leads for lateral left side of heart
Lead 1
Circumflex artery
Leads for inferior surface of heart
Lead II
Lead III
Right coronary artery
Right ventricle and septum